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by on May 6, 2020
((Words marked with an * will be put at the bottom and translated to make it easier I guess?))
It was a good day for a hunt, the chief, Abooksigun*, was lounging in front of her teepee like structure. It was more permanent then a teepee, still movable, but much bigger, and harder to take down and set up. Her headpiece was simple, feathers from a large bird, the feathers surrounded the entire thing, and small beads going down to bigger beads, one strand on either side. Her coat, was a deep, pleasing to look at, spruce wood brown, speckled with lighter browns here and there, with our species signature stripes, her mane was almost black as the night sky. On her face, a blaze, pure white. And eyes of piercing blue. She could stare you down just like her namesake, the wildcat, and not move from her spot. Aside from her coat markings, there were a few stripes of paint on her muzzle, in lines across the blaze and above her eyes. They signified her place in the tribe to any outsiders.
Her husband, Abukcheech*, was beside her, grooming any lumps or tangles away from her coat. He was a timid sort. Always skittish, and hiding behind his mate. We always wondered how they got together. Must’ve been the opposites attract sort of thing. He had a sort of maroon-ish coat color, handsome, in its own way, with darker stripes. His mane was a sort of chestnut color, with eyes a flickering gold.
Abooksigun would nod to me as I’d head out on the hunt, with one of my friends, Aleshanee*, who was a pretty one, similar in color to me, but not quite as small and muscular, but much taller and leaner. She also had blue eyes instead of green.
There were a few gatherers out, but, we didn’t pay them any mind, and nor they us as we continued along our path, until, we came along the game trail. Getting into a stalking position, we started forward, stone knives clasped firmly in our jaws.
Quick time skip because I’m too lazy to describe a hunt and a fight, just imagine it yourself you lazy fuck.
We came back after a few hours, a few minor injuries, but successful! We had gotten our prey, a gigantic (and meaty) sloth. It was hard work, and the tribe would be well fed for a few weeks now.
(Time skip a good few months, beginning of the ice age)
It’s gotten colder, and this is the worse winter so far.. We’ve lost… I.. I don’t know how many any more, I’ve lost track.. It’s gotten /so/ hard to find food. I’m so… hungry. My stomach feels like it’s caving in on itself. Aleshanee is losing her strength. And.. she’s stopped smiling, I’ve /never/ seen her not smiling before.
Have we done something to anger the gods? Whatever it is, we’re sorry! We didn’t mean to! Please… forgive us.. And let this winter end…
(A few more months, deeper into the ice age)
We lost our only connection to the gods, Achak*, slipped into the afterlife in the night, his ribs were poking through his pelt, and you could plainly see every bone in his body. How are we going to regain the favor of the gods now..?
A few of the tribe have given up hope, and are turning on each other now, they’re fighting… Someone’s screaming, oh gods.. Why are you doing this?
After it quieted down, I poked my head out of my shelter, and felt the tears well up. How could she have been so foolish? Stepping forward, I wished I hadn’t, because it confirmed just what I was thinking. Aleshanee.. my friend, why? How.. How could they do this to you? My best friend, was laying in the snow, dead.
After a few more weeks, I had made my choice. I was going to leave. Packing my things, and putting on the thickest pelts I had, and the blankets and other items in my shelter, before heading out into the storm. I made it a few miles before I had to stop, and make a small camp, a little lean-to should do. I made a small fire, before laying there. Not thinking of anything, before I felt it. The chill, something was coming. And then I saw /it/. I’d never seen such a creature. It looked like us, but, no hind legs, and it looked like it was made out of ice and wind! Then, I saw somethi-.. /no/.. Some/one/. It was Aleshanee. Or at least, it looked like her.. before all this happened. I let out a hoarse whisper, “Aleshanee..”
Once I said that, she appeared before me, and seemed to protect me from the worst of it. I could still feel myself fading.. but at least I had a friend with me..
And that was it.. Or so I thought…
Abooksigun- Wildcat (Algonquin).
Abukcheech- Mouse (Algonquin)
Aleshanee- She plays all the time
Achak- Spirit (Algonquin).
5 people like this.
Like May 6, 2020
Also, leave me alone I tried. I can’t write
Like May 6, 2020
Chiller Sway
Unsure who the narrator is tbh ngl no kidding
Like May 6, 2020
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Chiller Sway
No, I don't know who the narrator is
Like May 6, 2020
Like May 6, 2020
Chiller Sway
Like May 6, 2020 Edited
Dr. Marina Bleu
1) yes i love nervous timid husband mates 2) SHENNNNNNNNNNNNN 3) I LOVE THIS, i love just how different this stuff is to regular mlp lore! it’s super interesting to read!! i really wanna know more about this gorl!!!
Like May 6, 2020
Chiller Sway
Like May 6, 2020 Edited
Weeeeeeeee! I was hoping so! I sorta headcanon the darn windegos have been around for a fucklong amount of time, and were probably the cause of the “ice ages”
Like May 6, 2020
Cally Ber
>hours of hunting >fighting >minor injuries >sloth ... View More
Like May 6, 2020 Edited
Chiller Sway
Like May 6, 2020
Like May 6, 2020