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Asuka Yakushi
by on December 4, 2023
Summer, 2016, Ponyville.
Soft, traditional neighpanese music plays over a speaker inside a small, but cozy restaurant. Though it's early in the evening, there is only one patron at the moment. The owner's eldest daughter sits at a table for two, apparently waiting for someone.
Asuka takes small sips of the green tea in front of her as she continually checks her phone's clock. 6:09 PM. Roy was supposed to be here 9 minutes ago. She heaves a quiet sigh. He shows up to band stuff stupid early, but can't show up on time for ANYTHING else.
After checking her phone for the 20th time, Asuka hears a bell ring. When she looks up, she spots Roy making his way to her table. He seems to be out of breath. When he sits down, he gives her a smile. "Hey Asuka. Sorry I'm late. I got caught up with something for work." He pauses for a moment, to allow Asuka to speak. "It's alright. You've been pretty busy lately." Then Roy begins again. "So. Why are we meeting at your dad's restaurant? Last I remember, you told me we'd never go on a date here." He chuckles.
"Well. I have some news to share with you, and I thought it would be best to do it somewhere comfortable. Besides my house, this is the most comfortable place I could think of." Mostly true. Asuka had another reason for wanting to meet here, but she didn't want to tell him. "News? Yeah? You finally get a call back from that agent?" Typical Roy. Always thinking about the band. "No. Roy. It's not about the band. It's about me." A short pause. "Well, and Nar... And Juno. But I promise it's not about the band." Roy's demeanor suddenly changes. He can tell he's about to hear something he isn't going to like.
"I got accepted to Vanhoover Technical College. I'm starting in their Winter semester. I'll be moving to Vanhoover in the fall, and Nar decided to come with me so I'm not alone in the city. Turns out Juno got a job there too, so he'll be moving with us." Asuka can practically hear Roy's heart shatter into a million pieces. "So... You're leaving?" Asuka nods. "It's not like we don't want to stay in Ponyville, but VTC has the best program for emergency medicine in Equestria, and Juno's job is offering way too good of benefits, and pay for him to turn it down." Roy appears to crumple in his seat. He takes a moment to process what he's been told before shooting back up.
"But what about us?! What about the band!?"
Of course he cares about the band more than their relationship.
"Roy. Face it. We were never going to play at La Phantom. We'll probably still jam out if we can, but I just don't see us trying to find any gigs. And it's not like I'm breaking up with you. I just have to move away. Long distance relationships aren't unheard of." Roy doesn't respond. Asuka reaches over the table to grab his hand. "Roy. It's okay. I still love you, a lot. If I could bring you with us, I would. But I'm moving to a dorm, and Nar and Juno are going to have to work full-time to rent an apartment together. Not to mention, the place they're moving into is a sucky hole, and it would barely fit two people. I wouldn't want to force you to live in a place like that just for me."
All Roy can do is give a small nod.
"I'm moving in September, so I'll still be here for another 2 months. So let's spend as much time together as we can. Okay?" Asuka beams a smile. Roy doesn't reciprocate. Asuka then stands, and moves over to the other side of the table to hug him tightly. Only then does he respond with a hug of his own. "Sorry. This is just a lot to take in at the moment." "I know."
Then, as Asuka breaks the hug, and goes to sit back down, her father approaches their table with a plate of takoyaki. "Roy. You have brought much joy to my daughter over these years. You are special to her in many ways, and I am happy that you are in her life. Changes are inevitable in life, but we must all adapt to them. That is how we change, and grow as individuals. I would hate for such a big change for Asuka to affect her relationship with you. So please, do not be discouraged." He places a hand on Roy's back, and gives him a few gentle pats.
"Thanks Mr. Yakushi. I appreciate the advice." A broken smile is all that Kisho sees looking back at him. This news has crushed him far more than either Kisho, or Asuka thought it would. Right. Time for some heavy duty guidance. Kisho pulls up a chair, and sits. Hopefully, by the end of the evening, Roy will go home with a clear head, and a full stomach. #rp
Post in: Lore
Topics: conversation, moving
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