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Asuka Yakushi
by on April 12, 2024
A dank, moldy smell permeates the stone halls of a dungeon, long since forgotten. Darkness surrounds from all sides, held off only by the light of torches, moving through the dark passages. The only sounds heard in this dungeon beyond the roar of flaming torches, are footsteps, and armor clanking.
Four brave adventurers delve deeper, and deeper into this dungeon. They seek an ancient text. One which could be used to destroy the evil that plagues this land. At their head walks a female barbarian, Asuka, Child of The Mountains. Behind her, a bard follows closely, though she does not sing the songs of her homeland, as she normally would. Deena, storyteller of sagas, holds her torch ahead, so that Asuka may keep both of her hands on her axe. The, there is the druid, Ruby, Protector of the Erdant Forest. Finally, in the rear is the Paladin, Juno, Bringer of Light, and Law.
The monotony of endless hallways is finally broken by a small chamber. The group enters, and Deena lights a brazier along the wall, bringing light to the chamber. A gasp is heard, followed by an "Awwwww!" from the druid. When the rest of the party looks to see what their comrade has been awed by, they find a rat, standing in the middle of the room.
The three look at each other, then to their Dungeon Master.
"Really?" Asuka scoffs. She receives no reply.
"Maybe this little guy could help us." The druid crouches, and casts 'Speak With Animals'. She then gives the rat a small wave. "Hey there little guy. Do you live here?" "Ey!" Ruby is startled by the response of the rat. It's Manehatten accent is harsh, and gravely. "I'm walkin' here!" Asuka sighs. Juno suppresses a chuckle. "Oh, sorry to bother you sir. We were just hoping you might be able to help us." Ruby bows, apologetically.
"Something about this rat is suspicious. Nar, does this rat seem suspicious to my character?" Juno speaks before the rat can reply. "Roll insight." "4." "You've never met a trustworthy rat before. No way this one's any different." "I'm gonna stomp the rat."
"No!" Ruby cries out.  "I ready my foot to stomp." Juno states. He's quickly stopped by Asuka grappling him from behind. "Look, I may have an 8 in intelligence, but even I know it'd be stupid to pass up on potential information." The rat is spared. For now.
"Please Mister Rat, we're trying to save the world. Could you please just answer a few questions for us?" Ruby attempts to give the rat her best puppy dog eyes. "Roll persuasion." Tink! "... Nat 1." The rat appears to dry heave. "I don't talk to floozies, yah broad." Alright, no more miss nice druid.
"Listen buddy. Tell us we want to know, or my friend is going to flatten you into a rat pancake." Tink! "Duh hell is a pancake?" Ruby blinks twice. "You know what? Juno. Go for it." The paladin's boot comes down. The rat tries to scurry away, but the boot is faster. A second later, the rat is nothing more than a splatter on the ground.
Laughter breaks out from behind the DM screen. For the next 2 minutes, Nar proceeds to laugh, try to calm down, fail, and break out into laughter again. Eventually, Asuka simply stands up from the table, and asks. "Alright, break time? We'll eat, then we'll finish the session." The group agrees.
Nar is still laughing about the rat pancake after the session is over. Nobody else seems to think it was that funny.
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