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by on August 17, 2024
Sign flip. "OPEN"
Amidst all the hustle and bustle of the smorgasbord of other stalls offering its various...interesting services, stood what appears to be a hastily modified lemonade stand. Etched and painted over its prior name, "Argue La Roux". Seems odd, but innocent enough, until one sees the Manehattan city night background that was *not taken from Conan O'Brien's late night set when his show ended. Microphones, lights, camera! All of questionable functionality.
Here you shall present a topic of discussion and the host, of whose name seem to change on a dime, will debate it with you.
*added for legal purposes
Post in: Lore, Misc.
7 people like this.
Bright Brave
"You're red headed, you're weird, but are you tall, like tall tall?" The big war horse hadn't met a mare bigger than him yet, except the High Princess, Celestia herself.
Like August 17, 2024
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Bright Brave
"I just wanted to know how tall you are, because I myself love Conan. But I'd rate myself an 8. I need to work out more. But I'm a trophy stallion, any mare who can meet my standards will receive the greatest husband in the universe."
Like August 21, 2024
She refuses to stand up from her seat for a first-hand look at evidence, instead choosing for further retort "Below Celestia, about the same as Fancypant's wifey. 8, but the greatest partner in the universe? I'd rate you a 6, simply from your self-contradiction and seemingly beyond-cosmic standard f... View More
Like August 22, 2024
Bright Brave
"You are a silly and cruel mare. And I hope you find true love." Bright lashed out at the pretty, intelligent, sophisticated Vanil. Hurt ponies, hurt ponies.
Like August 22, 2024 Edited
//Actually might join in. "Ok Heres a Topic, Princess sunbutt being a queen yet... SHE BARELY DOES ANYTHING!. Or if that's too spicy...Is a Bamboodog a Haywich ?"
Like August 17, 2024
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//Forgot bout this. :C "But then is once of those Quesadilla thingys a Sandwich then ?"
Like August 25, 2024
"If it is 'sandwiched' between two separate pieces of tortilla, yes. If it is a single piece, folded onto the filling, no it is not"
Like August 29, 2024
"Who uses one Tortilla!?"
Like August 29, 2024
Tality gives this some honest thought. A topic to debate. Hm. She slaps a solid gold ingot on the table, two kilograms. Holy. "Keep the change. You'll probably deserve it. A topic, huh?" She thinks to herself. "Well, sometimes I want to take over Equestria and rule it with an iron hoof, make everyp... View More
Like August 18, 2024
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((Oh my god, it was just a metaphor! But it's hard to tell with this mare, yeah? Wait, actually, hold on, I think I was cool with it no matter which way you took it. Yeah, yeah, now that I think about it, I did notice the ambiguity and just decided to see how you ran with it! Yeah, I look for that s... View More
Like August 31, 2024 Edited
//I'm gonna keep it real with you. That post is a little overwhelming, if not confusing. Vanil slumped into her seat, bottle of whiskey on hoof, ready to uncork and end the day as if it were a dream. She was as lost as a guest in an Eric Andre 'interview', and she was supposed to be the host! As mo... View More
Like August 29, 2024
((Haha! Yeah, that's kinda the point actually. *irl cringe and grimace* But yeah, I probably crossed a few lines there that I shouldn't have. Tality is insane, however, and she doesn't think anyone can actually help her, so she doesn't put in the effort to make herself comprehensible. She just dunks... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Oh, so we gonna play Ace Attorney eh? Well, you start.”
Like August 24, 2024
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"Phones. Many have more than a single phone for other purposes. The same can't be said for televisions"
Like August 29, 2024
Bright Brave
I've got like 4 tvs, I personally own. I own one, $100 pony phone.
Like August 29, 2024
Bright is magically pushed aside and away from the probably working camera "Away with you. Your turn is over, Cosmic Standard McGee!"
Like August 29, 2024