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by on March 24, 2021
Dear Princesses I am Princess Crystal. I am here for the festival of Friendship. I hope it will be as amazing as I here. Yours Truly Princess Crystal
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by on March 17, 2021
Nathalia Kazimirov, the younger sister of Ilayosha Kazimirov (Pathfinder) was born upon the first night of the Winter solstice much like her older brother. This odd occurence in Nocturnes culture is called "Moonlings", moonlings are often fated to have intertwined fates whether this is good or bad often differs from one tale to another. As a young mare, Nathalia showed much strength and ability unlike her older brother. She was immediately taken away to the Paladins order unlike her brother ...
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by on March 13, 2021
It was morning everypony was having breakfast while others where breathing in that fresh sea air Soundwave : you hear that ... seagulls , ship horns , wind and celestia who's what Filmer : I dont care sound , your the sound recordist make it work ...
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by on March 7, 2021
(this story is in an alternate timeline where sombra never lost and where canon polo and the gender swap change places nd it is dark) polo was wearing a broken sombra guard helmet as a diamond dog let him into the mine as crimson said " the vault is next to the crystal golems, i would not mess with them because, i seem one just throw a griffin into the cavern without hesitating". polo looked at crimson and said "you mean a guard pony right?". up ahead two ten foot tall crystal golems where gu...
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by on March 7, 2021
Deep in thought. It's what the Prince was constantly doing as of late. Many nights he would be in thought. Thoughts of the present and future. Thoughts of the kingdom he's hoping to re-shape for the better. Ideas on how to improve where both him and his brother had both failed. Plans to ensure his future reign as King go on without trouble. But such a thing would be asking too much. Such a request would be hoping for too much. Nothing was going to be so simple. Even when he's recognized as King?...
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by on March 7, 2021
One would imagine these experiments to be performed in dark dungeons. Basements, cellars, or far out in the woods. Far away from where anyone would think to be. These matters were private. These things were to be kept secret. They were to be kept secure. They certainly were not to be performed in a teenager’s dorm room. A shaded window, a small bed, and stacks of books were the watchers of this…. Affront. Sigils marked the ground, tying together ancient languages, and magical promises. Aerian...
231 views 9 likes
by on March 7, 2021
1 day has pasted since they left equestria to explore the mythical skull island but one crew member is suspicious about filmer's truth about the island's origin Clover : hey , yesterday night you would tell me everything about this place, so what's the hold up ? Filmer : shush shush clover keep your voice down , I dont what the crew getting spooked Clover : why would they get spooked ? What's it called ...
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by on March 6, 2021
Twenty-fifth birthday. That’s when her parents had said she could open this little black box. Granted, she had been on her own for far longer, but she had never had any real reason to open it. She was more than certain the thing contained information on how to handle the magical curse that she had been born with, since her parents weren’t going to be around forever, and she needed to figure out how to handle it herself. It was really a sign of being a full adult-and with a boyfriend, and a se...
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by on March 6, 2021
(this post is in an alternate timeline) crystal cover half of the are and the other half lays destroyed after a civil war happened years ago when king sombra was young. steam hoof was a inventor until a biocrystal test gone wrong ended his life now, he goes by the name of crimson rain. crimson over the years has gain a few abilities including the ability to make an illusion that trick most into thinking he is what he want to be, crystal manipulation, and crystal absorption. crimson was in a b...
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by on March 5, 2021
A fire crackles at the foot of Mount Lunae. Three figures sit around the fire absorbing what little warmth it provided them. It's not as though any of them needed it. The cold here was nothing more than an annoyance. Just another in a myriad of troubles they all faced. So they sat by the fire to at least pretend to feel some grain of comfort. Morale was low after so many failures. One could only come so close so many times before they cracked. Yet the trio had yet to break. They refused to back...
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by on March 4, 2021
(warning this post is in an alternate timeline where polo was sent to on the first of february 2021 and it slightly dark) polo was in an abandoned house when sombra guard appear and said "you will be a servant of our mighty ruler of equestria, king sombra and also if you do not come with us we will force you to join". polo finish drinking coffee and said "you have ten second before i show you the way out". one of the guards grabbed polo then, that guard get thrown across the room. polo grabbe...
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by on March 3, 2021
He's the fiend behind the screen, he's the master of illusions, he's the corrupted magician Portero. Now, you may be asking, who is Portero? Well, Portero is not only one of my original villains, but a very very VERY dangerous foe. More dangerous than even Nega Stickbot Alpha. He's based off of the nightmaren Chamelan from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. Backstory: ...
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