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by on August 22, 2018
Yep this is happening, so here are some of my non Mlp ocs pls enjoy. [pokemon] Rinda the Mew ...
354 views 2 likes
by on August 22, 2018
When a farmer’s cow stopped giving milk, he called the local vet. “I can’t find a thing wrong with that cow,” the vet said, puzzled. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say some witch has cast a spell on her.” The farmer and the vet both laughed. ...
347 views 5 likes
by on August 21, 2018
My stomach is hot. My chest is hot. My head is hot. Hot. Hot. Hot. The feeling in my Guts is always swirling. Always burning. Will you come home soon?
299 views 2 likes
by on August 19, 2018
[hr] "stupid colt! who does he even think he is?! talking to us with such vulgar!" Daisy spatted as Candy follows with her down the hallways. "ugh who knows! hes acting so tough all cause we where stating damn facts to his sister of how shes a low class mare. hmph! she deserved the beating~" Candy said "heh yeah well- if they havent interfered things would go smoothly but whatever! thats not the point!" Daisy said. "right now we need to deal with Leo and show him a lesson or two of that W...
397 views 7 likes
by on August 15, 2018
Ducati Moltobella goes by many names: The black dress killer, the silent killer, the devil herself. Her life consists of running her personal business in lower Manehattan. Mainly managing what dirty work her lackeys do. Despite being hidden most of the time, her lackeys known that when she is spotted somepony may die that night. During Ducati's past as a filly, she was pretty normal despite being born to a crime family. She never learnt the crime business properly until her early twenties. H...
365 views 2 likes
by on August 12, 2018
Dear Princess Celestia, I h a v e s o m e q u e s t i o n s. Is Flurry Heart okay? Do you like Season 8 so far? How's your relationship with Starlight? ...
351 views 1 like
by on August 11, 2018
The earth pony Java Tales was sitting at his favourite cafe in Canterlot, staring at a blank scroll. His eyes were vaguely glazed and unfocused as he tried to come up with something to write. After several minutes, he laid his head on the table. "This is hopeless," he said aloud to himself, "I've not had a good idea in ages. I think my muse is cheating on me." The comment drew a few looks from surrounding ponies, most questioning and curious, and he distinctly heard someone giggle. He hadn't re...
357 views 2 likes
by on August 11, 2018
“The great, benevolent Celestia, may now rule all Equestria, but deep within the earth is housed her mother, the lady Faust. She is not dead, you rest assured, but an evil curse that can’t be cured Was laid upon her noble head, and now she rests on a flowery bed. The princesses are not so vain to have forgotten their mother’s pain. They rule in kindness, it is a fact, they swore an oath and made a pact: Until their mother can awake, drastic steps they MUST take. For a long time, there’s not b...
315 views 2 likes
by on August 10, 2018
Java Tales awoke to find himself in yet another new place. He gave a sigh, and spoke upward, "Where am I now, 7th Wall? First that face library, then the tumble place, the world of two lives, and those square places, now this? One would almost think you have nothing better to do than to throw me into unfamiliar surroundings." He sat, resigned once more to being the plaything of his creator. "Well, at least there are more ponies here." He gathered his wits, and made himself at home.
349 views 1 like
by on August 6, 2018
Chaos Age: Unknown Sex: Male ...
303 views 1 like
by on August 5, 2018
Art: Jay-Kuro Harpocrates 27 ...
508 views 8 likes
by on August 2, 2018
Birth: Lets see being born around the early 19's wasn't easy espically for me, I had austism form day one and I was trouble even though I couldn't help it life even though same say I had it reallly easy although i would aruge that having an dresser plus an tv fall on your lift temple isn't fun and games but i did discover one thing gravity exist and b i am not supperman, but after my grandfather died and i went with my dad i learned quickly that A) the world is curel and B) the world truly doesn...
323 views 1 like