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by on January 5, 2024
"Mother? What would you describe to be a good decision vs a bad decision?" "Brother and I were trotting back to the Castle, whereas on the way, we stumbled upon a Noble colt getting bullied by what appeared to be his classmates who were also from Noble families given the school uniforms. He was being teased and pushed around as they taunted him in a circle. I simply observed, finding it soon to be none of my concern as I have no relation to those ponies. Brother, however, took action, stepping ...
156 views 6 likes
by on January 5, 2024
137 views 5 likes
by on January 5, 2024
In the end, beauty is in the eyes of beholder. The current beholder was Crone. What a beautiful butterfly. Crone would slowly make his way towards the fluttering blue glowing butterfly. Once he was out and the open near the Sea of Bones. Crone didn't quite see it but eyes would watch him amongst the white bones. They watched him mindlessly shuffle until the butterfly stopped right onto his left hand that he held out. It landed gracefully and would shine in the moonlight. Actually, it is sh...
149 views 3 likes
by on January 2, 2024
The child cries, but nobody hears. The child is hungry. Mother said dinner would be ready a long time ago. ...
99 views 5 likes
by on December 25, 2023
12 PM, Hearths Warming Eve, 2023, Yakushi Residence, Ponyville. Four young adults approach the house from a tour van parked in the driveway. 3 carry a significant amount of gifts, and food, while one carries a single gift bag, and plate of cookies. Of course, these four young adults are the members of Attack on Mango (plus one past member.) As the group approaches the front door, Ruby slows, and falls behind the rest of the group. "Guys." The others stop, and turn to listen. "Are you rea...
93 views 2 likes
by on December 25, 2023
((WARNING: ANIMAL ENDANGERMENT/ABUSE)) this is mostly for my own benefit, so i don't forget key aspects of these characters and who they are. so basically, the Horde is what the group of alley cats Spinneret hangs with call themselves.  their primary goal is world domination, and the thing that unites them is their hatred of ponies.  save for one, each member was harmed by ponies in some way, and their names come from these incidents.  of course, being alley cats, world domination is a pipe dr...
81 views 5 likes
by on December 21, 2023
//Top Blogger baybee, lessgo December, 2018, Vanhoover. Life has not been kind to Asuka this year. ...
100 views 3 likes
by on December 20, 2023
February, 2018, Vanhoover. Ever since they'd moved to Vanhoover, Thursdays had always been band practice days for Attack on Mango. It was the only night where everyone's schedules happened to align, so it was practically mandatory they practice during it. Though, Roy was the only one who really cared about that. Asuka had just finished her last class for the day, and Roy had shown up at her dorm to walk her to practice. Ruby was out of town for the week, so she wouldn't be attending practice ...
112 views 1 like
by on December 16, 2023
8/15/2017, Vanhoover Feedback from an amp slowly goes quiet. The five young adults in the small apartment living room sit in silence, after having just finished the last song of their setlist. The silence is only broken when the lead guitarist reaches up to clutch his mane with both hands. An exasperated growl rises up from his throat as he nearly rips two chunks of his hair out. The first word out of his mouth is quite loud.  "FUCK!" He then begins to pace back and forth in front of the rest...
128 views 1 like
by on December 15, 2023
" The same set of words to end each interview, all with the applicant walking out of the door sniffling and crying like some baby. Enter the next pony in line, wait five minutes, hear the same quote, rinse and repeat. It seemed like the standards to this company were quite high. I mean, it trying to pave the way for Equestria after all. Can you imagine the possibilities that electricity can bring? Pegasi and Earth Ponies can finally use a form of current without the help of unicorns, and unicor...
120 views 1 like
by on December 10, 2023
The cold chilly night would graze on Lightning's fur, her coat blowing along with the wind direction as it was rather windy and dark. She was even shivering some with how dastardly the current conditions are, but she was on a mission, and she was going to see it through. "If this bastard screwed me out on good Intel, then I'm going to kill him." She muttered to herself as she kept her stride, working to a particular alley way. This one was wedged between two unassuming houses, but both of tho...
143 views 2 likes
by on December 9, 2023
174 views 0 likes