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Group Info
Marvel Gleam
Welcome to Dungeons & Discords, a simplified DnD style Roleplay group.
A Campaign has Started!
It takes place roughly 500 moons after Luna was banished to the moon.
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Marvel Gleam
You are in a dark place covered in a luminescent purple fog. A mysterious voice calls out to you, "please defeat the darkness before it spreads t-" With a jolt you wake up with chills. What i... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Bishop awoke with chills. Only three days after leaving that dairy, she'd finally had a non-milk nightmare. Her first reesponse was to make her way to the nearest river and get a drink.
Like November 11, 2024
Hawker Hurricane
Savene grumbles from her rest, slowly peering around, rubbing her head.- Ughhhhh. Too much apple cider, to little preparation.
Like November 16, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
*Kio wakes up completely unsure of what that dream was about so he'd shrug then attempt to survey his surroundings*
Like November 19, 2024