Earth Pony.
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Just a sticky-hooved vagabond looking for the next adventure.Bonus points if a little trouble is involved.
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Down for anything!
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Nitroxus Soulspins Rogue
*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the pony and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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10 people like this.
This looks really good, and she is very cute and adorable.
*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the pony. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Heya there, thank you for the add ^~^ Also like the sona you have going on!
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Rogue poses cutely for no reason at all… Definitely not an attempt to distract you so she can rob you blind.
cute hors art by: ZenexArt on YCH~.
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Lmao I didn't read how old the post was when it popped up
Zephyrus approached the mare and placed a claw atop her head, holding it there for a moment as he spoke. "It has been some time since we last spoke my dear. I hope you have been well, yes?"
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Being pet was definitely a new feeling for Rogue. It felt a bit strange at first, feeling each of his hooked talons rake through her lavender tresses-- especially due to their size difference. One of his claws was almost the size of her head! But as he continued the tranquil motion, making it a poin... View More
June 3, 2021
Zephyrus nodded understandingly, releasing her chin and pulling his head away. “I understand dear. Perhaps sometime later then.” As she spoke of parties and himself not being seen as the type, he chuckled and scratched his cheek. “Yes yes, I suppose I myself am not considered to be what you refer to... View More
June 3, 2021
"Not really," she said. "Though, I've never really given it much thought."
Rogue tapped a hoof to her chin as her brain worked through all of the places in Equestria that had, at one point or another, sparked her interest. None truly did. She was not very impressed by grandeur. Cities with building... View More
June 4, 2021
Zephyrus smiled softly nodding understandingly. "I somewhat agree with that. It is how most of my travels began and sometimes ended. Your thoughts have actually given me an idea." The large gryphon dug around in a small bag he had on his back, eventually pulling out a revealing a map. It was a fairl... View More
June 5, 2021
Her brow shot up in surprise at the sudden proposal. An expression of shock washed over her features for a moment; her lips parted silently, still deciding on what to say. A chuckle escaped her like a harsh huff of air, and she nodded her head. She was decided.
"Yeah, I mean-- yes. Definitely," she... View More
June 5, 2021
Zephyrus nodded with a smile, lifting the feather higher in the air. "Most wonderful my dear! Now, let us find out together where our destination shall be." Looking back to the feather, he held it there for a moment, as if he was building up the suspense, before finally letting it begin it's decent ... View More
June 6, 2021
Rogue watched closely as the feather drifted downward; her eyes rolling around in her head trying to follow it, as if she were watching a rollercoaster full of loops. There were moments where she swore she knew where it would settle, then it would shift suddenly toward the other end of the map. It w... View More
June 6, 2021
The griffon was still for a moment, until finally nodding his head as he understood. “I see. We are much alike then, you and I. I must simply retrieve my travel bag from its hiding place, and we can be off.”
Zephyrus carefully rose before folding up the map and sliding into the small bag he had on ... View More
June 6, 2021
Rogue followed behind him into the cave, her head lowered slightly as she peered around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Was this his home? She halted by the entrance, patiently waiting as he gathered up his belongings. It was rude to enter a home without a formal invitation, after all. Her eyes wide... View More
June 21, 2021
Rogue watched his expression carefully. The usually stolid griffon seemed discountenanced by the memory that drifted quietly through his mind. It was odd, to say the least. But before even a minute had passed, he seemed to return to his usual self. She was undeniably curious about his aforementioned... View More
June 26, 2021
Zephyrus looked to the area in question, moving closer. It was fairly flat and devoid of any trees, and they would even have space to make a small fire pit to keep warm in the night and heat a meal. "This should be sufficient for our needs. If you would be so kind as to find a bit of wood to start a... View More
June 27, 2021
“Sure, I don’t mind,” she replied, surveying the area around her. Ah, this would be easy! There were plenty of sticks lying around, and it was much less complicated than pitching a tent. If he had asked her to do that, they would’ve ended up sleeping on the ground and using the tent carcass as a bla... View More
June 28, 2021
The griffon approached the mare and gently touched her nose with a single talon, holding it there as he spoke. "Is this how ponies around here communicate something special. I do not understand the pu... View More
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The little blue mare stood in complete disbelief for a moment, her eyes wide enough to swallow the griffon in front of her whole. This was the last thing she expected to happen today. As soon as her brain processed the situation, her expression softened and she smiled sweetly at the curious creature... View More
September 26, 2020
The griffon cocked his head a bit, trying to process her explanation. He was probably thinking too much for such a simple gesture, though that was simply the way he was. He was almost like a child trying to understand new experiences, in fact, that was probably the best way to describe him in situat... View More
September 26, 2020
"Love-" she repeated, her voice catching in her throat from surprise. "Oh, no... Sorry, I understand how that may have gotten... misconstrued..." She chuckled a bit awkwardly and offered him an apologetic smile, a red color washing over her cheeks.
"I was just thinking of you, you know, as a frien... View More
September 26, 2020
Zeph watched the mares composure fumble a bit, and thought back to what he had said. He truly didn't believe anything he had said was false, though most would easily see where had made a strange comment and looked like a fool.
"I suppose that does make a bit more sense. I do not know much about rom... View More
September 26, 2020
She flinched a bit as the large paw landed atop her head, but she quickly grew accustomed to the feeling. Her expression softened as she looked at the curious griffon in front of her. Something about him felt very warm, and his almost childlike disposition made her feel safe in his presence. She hum... View More
September 29, 2020
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Earth Pony.