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Send me narrative roleplays, as long as your character is reasonable and you have like B- grammar we should get along great
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Amazing rendering <3
June 22, 2024

Bright Brave
What a pretty pony. :3
June 22, 2024
10 people like this.
Gosh I love the curls.
Beautiful character design.
Sad looking pone, gorgeous and cheerful surroundings.
"I could have sworn I just closed my eyes moments ago. Are you saying the seasons have already changed?"
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12 people like this.
//I want to maybe spend tomorrow drawing up some replies/starters/snapshots of rps, so probably no replies until sometimes this weekend, maybe?
Ink sat on a stone bench in a park overlooking a bakery she'd visited a saddlebag's worth of times before she had... Changed. While she remembered much of their times together fondly, one of her first... View More
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Avoided in a wide berth until a voice of strange accent speaks from beside her. From the space empty of all but air shimmers into being a unicorn mare with silver and cyan eyes. "You shouldn't be apprehensive or hesitant of reuniting with old friends, mate." She turns her head to look up at the lave... View More
April 9, 2024
A small chuckle at her appreciation of Light's confidence, looking back at the guards in amusement. The crackle of magic worried her slightly, buy not enough to really worry. "Not so much confidence as a chronic overestimation of my ability to survive whatever mistakes I make, ay?" She taps her horn... View More
"I appreciate it," she said with a slight smile, eyes still trained on the building. "You'll probably want to go soon. Much as I'd like to continue chatting, I'm sure you've got some other obligations and I've work to do. If you get caught someday, pray you are sent to the night court. I won't pardo... View More
April 10, 2024
A nod, "I don't really have anything else to do, but," she forms twin arrows in the air pointing at the guards, "It's probably a good idea to go before those two run their brains into the ground." Getting up, she tosses two bits to said guards with 'As an apology for the trouble, mates' hovering ove... View More
April 10, 2024
Calaco had sent a box to Inks home. It didn't look terrible but the clash of two different kinds of wrapping paper was certainly odd. It was even complete with a bow and note card on top. #rp
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"Wheat, I told you I didn't want anything this year- you're supposed to be saving for after your wedding." Ink said quietly as Wheat levitated a package onto her desk.
"Ah, I didn't forget. This one's not from me. It's from your former guard-stallion friend. The one that's older than me." Wheat ad... View More
April 5, 2024
"Oh goodness," Ink gasped as she read the books cover and title pages, shocked to find such a valuable piece in her hooves, even more so as she lowered it from her magic, worried she wouldn't be able to keep it stable with her excitement. A book that was as old as much of the banned magic tomes in t... View More
April 9, 2024
"This blossoming flower has a multitude of uses. However it should be noted that the flower is often seen as dangerous when no danger is there. Usually due to the sound of its seed pod exploding upon death of the flower, but worry not. It is merely a loud sound and how this particular member of the ... View More
April 9, 2024
"Oh ho," Wheat said with a smile that spoke far louder than any words could to describe her absolute joy at finding a new thread to pull on her employer. "Seems like he's doing well, as he is sending a flower to his dear 'friend.'"
"Yes," the mare said softly as she twirled the pressed flower about... View More
//imagine a prank but it's not actually a prank I'm just fishing for drawing ideas by making flowery second person prompts
It's raining, the roll of thunder in the distance is just barely audible as you lay on a sofa, your head in the lap of a familiar lavender mare. She hums softly as you listen to the crackle of the rem... View More
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"Worry you might, and for a reason I won't deny is enough to raise concern. Just look for the family that calls themselves like me, and I assure you that you'll be in welcoming lands."
April 5, 2024
The stallion simply breathed, watching the flames flicker back and forth. A feeling of contentment and peace over talking him. He let the silence persist for the time being, it was certainly more pleasant than his usual dreams.
//lol, that's alright. If it inspires art then I've done well enough
April 4, 2024
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Artist, Roleplayer, Techie