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Ink Dreamer

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on April 4, 1997
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Send me narrative roleplays, as long as your character is reasonable and you have like B- grammar we should get along great
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Ink Dreamer
added new photos to her album "Ink Stuff"
10 people like this.
Bright Brave
There's a tiny pony there ?
Like April 1, 2024
No thats just a tiny pony on your screen
Like April 1, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
This is really nice.
Like April 1, 2024
Ink Dreamer
You open your eyes to the sound of hoofsteps and humming, only to find that the place you slept in was no longer in sight. Gone were the green and grassy lands of Equestria, gone were the cities you k... View More
5 people like this.
The little breezie was even more panicked than usual. Where was she?! Why did the moon look like that?! And the unicorn...Caurus scrambled away to avoid getting stepped on.
Like March 27, 2024
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Caurus coughed as the dust clouds came over her. "<Wh-where am I?!>" she exclaimed in Breezish, looking around frantically.
Like March 30, 2024
Ink Dreamer
"Ah, my apologies, wanderer," the mare said as she stopped her lonely waltz, looking around for the source of the voice before settling on the small creature flitting about. "Oh my, I don't think I've ever seen one of the fae this deep in the dream plane. This is a bit of a dangerous spot for creatu... View More
Like March 30, 2024
"D-Dream Plane? <So, I'm dreaming?>" Caurus sighed in relief. "<So I'm safe. Awesome!>"
Like March 31, 2024
"I swear if this sand get's stuck in my fur... Again." He said, Floating off the ground before even noticing the Familar pony, He swear that She kept appearing in his dreams but He doesn't know why ?
Like March 28, 2024
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"Little ?, I'm like the same height as a normal pony ?, " He said, before pulling out a box of tissue's from thin air. Thinking they were sad about somethin' due to the Magick tears.
Like March 30, 2024
Ink Dreamer
"All who dream are young at heart, even if the body grows old," the mare commented, continuing in her lethargic waltz, her humming passing for a classical melody in the void. "The magic of eternity and the final dream are what fuels this place that once imprisoned the shadow, and as such, young crea... View More
Like March 30, 2024
"I...What ?" Ghost said, Having trouble figuring out what the mare had meant but figured she told him that: Magic itself fueled this place along with the last dream that one has, And as such He shouldn't be here, For he wasn't a being of full Magick nor dead yet.
Like March 30, 2024
Ink Dreamer
//forgot I was writing a reply before going to bed last night. Only text that was saved was "Yes, well, I don't think My browser is insulting me
2 people like this.
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
"Yes, well I don't think" Your browser certainly thinks.
Like March 25, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
I have done that before
Like March 25, 2024
Like March 25, 2024
Ink Dreamer
Laying beneath the wisteria tree. It had become something of a ritual at this point, one that Ink had come to do unconsciously as soon as she began to dream, like a role in a story that only she could... View More
Ink Dreamer
The warm sound of a lullaby carries through the air around you. You can feel the cool sensation of the grass beneath your back as the wind blows softly through the meadow around you. The soft swaying ... View More
1 person liked this.
Ink Dreamer
added new photos to her album "Ink Stuff"
9 people like this.
//Beyond lovely. Truly something else
Like March 18, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
Very pretty
Like March 18, 2024
Ink Dreamer
//more impressionistic stuff with ink in progress
Ink Dreamer
"How many brothers did you have again?" "Six, I think. There's Cobalt, Quartz, Crimson, Starry, Aureus, and Platinum." Ink counted off, drawing pictures of her brothers in the air with her magic. All... View More
1 person liked this.
Ink Dreamer
"Ink. Ink!" A clinking of porcelain against porcelain rang out in the ears of the lavender mare who had started drifting off, jolting her awake. As she blinked rapidly, stirring in her seat she shifte... View More
Ink Dreamer
This was... Canterlot? Or so you thought. The streets were narrower than you remembered, and the spires on buildings far taller. All the proportions of the doors, the windows, even the cobblestone ben... View More
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The pegasus shrugged. "I like the Alice in wonderland vibe this place with the huge looking things has... or maybe I'm far too small?" he commented. He knew he was in mid of one of many dreams. He had grown used to the situation by now. "So tell me, what's the lesson for today?" he stood up curiousl... View More
Like March 17, 2024
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