You open your eyes to the sound of hoofsteps and humming, only to find that the place you slept in was no longer in sight. Gone were the green and grassy lands of Equestria, gone were the cities you k... View MoreYou open your eyes to the sound of hoofsteps and humming, only to find that the place you slept in was no longer in sight. Gone were the green and grassy lands of Equestria, gone were the cities you knew so well. As far as the eye could see was rock and sand of ashen white, and broken structures of gleaming metal that poked up from the surface like the crooked fingers of some decrepit divine skeleton buried beneath the wastes. No birdsong, no wind, no sound but the uncomfortable melody that carried across the nothingness. Upon looking up, you saw not the moon, but rather a pale blue sphere instead, with masses of green and white swirling across its surface. It was like a single colorful gem amidst the blackened void that surrounded. Walking around as if nothing was wrong was a lavender unicorn whose every step left a deep impression in the sand. #rp
//forgot I was writing a reply before going to bed last night. Only text that was saved was "Yes, well, I don't think
My browser is insulting me
Laying beneath the wisteria tree. It had become something of a ritual at this point, one that Ink had come to do unconsciously as soon as she began to dream, like a role in a story that only she could... View MoreLaying beneath the wisteria tree. It had become something of a ritual at this point, one that Ink had come to do unconsciously as soon as she began to dream, like a role in a story that only she could play. She remembered hundreds of souls finding their way to her, all lost from the path they needed to take. Not from grand fulfillment of destiny, nor was it the design laid by any of the princesses. No, each of them had lost sight of their dreams, no matter it be large or small. Some wanted to be accepted, others wanted forgiveness, many just wanted to be happy in their own right. She would listen, she would console, and push them back towards their dreams while they slept. Such deep sheltered dreams bordered on the subconscious, and none would remember the counsel she gave, only feel it's effects. Yet she remained; always there, always waiting, alone beneath the wisteria tree. It was peaceful. It was quiet. In this secluded empty dreamscape, it was somehow less lonely than the waking world.
The warm sound of a lullaby carries through the air around you. You can feel the cool sensation of the grass beneath your back as the wind blows softly through the meadow around you. The soft swaying ... View MoreThe warm sound of a lullaby carries through the air around you. You can feel the cool sensation of the grass beneath your back as the wind blows softly through the meadow around you. The soft swaying of the wisteria tree above you is rhythmic and calming, like the ocean of flowers that waves all around. Beneath your head you can feel the warmth of somepony else, the vibrations of their breathing reassuring, comforting. The humming of the mare you lay against was soothing enough to dispel any worries you had of how and why you keep returning to this place that you never seem to remember, but always recognize. A place where you've always been welcomed.
//more impressionistic stuff with ink in progress
"How many brothers did you have again?"
"Six, I think. There's Cobalt, Quartz, Crimson, Starry, Aureus, and Platinum." Ink counted off, drawing pictures of her brothers in the air with her magic. All... View More"How many brothers did you have again?"
"Six, I think. There's Cobalt, Quartz, Crimson, Starry, Aureus, and Platinum." Ink counted off, drawing pictures of her brothers in the air with her magic. All unicorns for an all unicorn family.
"Cobalt is inheriting the company, right?"
"No, Aureus and Platinum will. Cobalt is starting his own company and wants to earn his own peerage like father did."
"What about the others?"
"They're going to work for me," Ink said casually as the earth pony across from her sat with their head in their hooves.
"So your youngest brothers are taking over the family business, your oldest brother is making his own name, and you and the rest of your siblings are going to be royal court mages?"
"That's the gist of it."
"Did anypony ever tell you that your standards are too high?"
"Ink. Ink!" A clinking of porcelain against porcelain rang out in the ears of the lavender mare who had started drifting off, jolting her awake. As she blinked rapidly, stirring in her seat she shifte... View More"Ink. Ink!" A clinking of porcelain against porcelain rang out in the ears of the lavender mare who had started drifting off, jolting her awake. As she blinked rapidly, stirring in her seat she shifted to regain her composure, sitting tall. The unicorn that sat across from her holding two cups in their magic was a distant cousin of Wheat, a similarly tan pony who for the moment had a blue, violet, and white mane. It complimented the silvery hue of their magic, which had notes of gold when it caught the light.
"My apologies, Glory. I haven't gotten much rest lately." Ink said softly as she lifted one of the pastries from the dessert tower between them. As she took a bite, her cup was returned to its original place, a platter in front of her. "What were we talking about again?" She asked.
"First of all, you of all ponies should know the importance of good sleeping habits," the unicorn reprimanded her, rolling their eyes as they leaned back in their chair, pushing their glasses back up their muzzle. "Secondly, we were talking about my upcoming exhibition. The one up in Vanhoover for the neo-aristocratic portraits. I've had to put off all my other business to work on the portraits of the new nobles." They continued speaking, detailing the plans for the exhibits opening ceremony and the attendance of all the portrait recipients. Details that Ink recalled had lulled her to sleep with their monotony prior. She nodded as she vaguely listened to her friend, much of the information passing in one ear and out the other.
This was... Canterlot? Or so you thought. The streets were narrower than you remembered, and the spires on buildings far taller. All the proportions of the doors, the windows, even the cobblestone ben... View MoreThis was... Canterlot? Or so you thought. The streets were narrower than you remembered, and the spires on buildings far taller. All the proportions of the doors, the windows, even the cobblestone beneath your hooves, seemed as if they had been chosen at random. Yet you kept walking, unsure of where it was you were going, only that there was a place you must find in this cartoonish rendition of the city you knew so well. After what felt like hours, and hundreds of turns being made, you found yourself standing in front of a door. It was a simple wooden door, but at least twice, if not thrice the size you knew it should have been. It was cracked open, spilling light out, and just enough space to squeeze through, as if it had been waiting for you. On the inside was an oversized interior, with chairs twice your height, and a desk you could hardly see the top of. Seated behind it was a giant lavender mare, her mane tied up, and a pair of crescent moon spectacles perched on her muzzle. She seemed to to be filling out some sort of paperwork as you came in. The plate on her desk simply said 'The Dreamer.' She looked down at you briefly with just her eyes before they returned to the papers before her. "You're either early or late. I haven't even prepared a new dreamscape yet."
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