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~About the Muse~Well all of this has changed since i work from home so nights pst is a bit difficult for me except on the weekends. But seeing as it's summer time I get pretty busy with irl stuff a lot. Places to go and things to do.
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Nitroxus Soulspins Rook De La Squawk
*Nitroxus did some backflips and a cartwheel toward the griffon. When he stopped, he smiled to them. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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"Random wellness check beasty. Keep those claws clear. "
"I guess you're okay. Keep your beak clean, you hear me?"
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*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the griffon and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus walked on some stilts toward to the griffon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large git over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"Bah Humbug." #rp
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Vanil's steady tone is quickly failing as the mare loses her composure "I don't know if that's an under or overreaction, but either ways we have to keep cool. Keep cool...keep-". Before she can finish, she snapped; by gradually regressing her speech patterns back to what semblance of Scottish is lef... View More
"I know you hate the holidays as much as I do but don't you think this is a little bit extreme. Sure making them wet themselves might be a bit much but getting our collective hooves dirty seems like a step too far." Rook had no strong opinions on the matter though. What was important to him was that... View More
Despite what she said about wanting to keep a cool head, what Rook said seem to have struck a nerve. Thus, an increasingly frustrated Vanil turned to Rook, and continued with her broken scottish outburst "Are ye aff yer bloody heid? Wee thieves steals yer purse and ye ignore it? Ah don't! What are y... View More
December 9, 2022
"One would think that through the prevalence of fur and feathers that it would stop someponies from getting tattoos. But... they are a creative bunch I'll admit that. Hoof carvings and beak burnings a... View More
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"Tattoos take long and cost quite a lot. So face paint is what I do. Cultists can't have normal live because they have a giant skull on their face." He huffed. "Idiots those lot!"
November 28, 2022
"You can have a normal life if you make it a normal life. Pirates can live with all sorts of things on them if they wanna. But none of them are very bright about it."
November 28, 2022
"Pirates can be so much more if they were educated. A lot of them skip out on education in hopes of not needing it. Why need to know more when the seas or sky is all they need." He would shake his head.
November 28, 2022
"They replace their education with years of experience. Something that can't be faulted but it carries its own flaws. There's a lot flaws with it of course."
Would your oc get a tattoo? Why? Curious as I have a few tattoos myself but I can't imagine tattoos would be super common given the whole fur thing
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Prance? i thought it was called the second republic of Aquilla
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