Shigeo Kageyama
(is there a lore page for this group, or is all of the lore in the group info box?)
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April 14, 2020
Name: Third Eye
Gender: Male
Race: earth pony
Age: 23
Cutiemark/Glyphmark: Three half lidded eyes
Detailed Character Description: Third is a bit smaller than the average earth pony. He doesn't have very defined muscles and he's a little bit short. He skinny and doesn't look like much of a physical threat. He has a black main and tail, with a straight bowl cut and a long straight tail. His fur is a pure white. His face is strangely emotionless with half lidded black eyes.
Apparel: He often wears a deep black suit and pants.
Armament: He doesn't carry around weapons or armor because he doesn't want to make anypony thing that he wants to hurt them.
Property/Average Funds: Enough to get by smoothly. He works as an exorcist and with the magical beasts around he gets enough jobs to get by and afford luxuries on occasion.
Bio: Third Eye's upbringing was a standard one except for one thing: Third Eye is a psychic, and a powerful one at that. Even when he was younger he could move objects around the room as if it were nothing, with just a thought. He was able to see things that nopony else could see. He learn that he could exorcise these things and that's how he was able to get his cutie mark. He spent most of his childhood just sort of moving through it, not really doing anything. He got enough of an education and he managed to work under another exorcist for a few years before that exorcist retired and gave the business over to Third.
(this character is a WIP. I would prefer to chat with someone who knows the world better before I make any assumptions about any part of it.)
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To the sound of electro swing music drifting out of a PA system, Sol was cleaning the bar of her pub, The Golden Owl. Situated just outside Manehattan, there wasn't much traffic at 2AM. However, nonet... View More
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Thankfully she wouldn't be waiting too long for some activity, even if it was just Sky stopping in for a drink. He stood around the low 7 foot area, ocean camo cargo pants and a matching jacket covered by a bright red overcoat with some gold hexagon panels lining the area below the waist. He would t... View More
May 5, 2019
"The G-Wagon will work. Someone manages to win it off of me then we step up our game and drop some money on a ride."
May 11, 2019
"Fair enough. Eh, we use the right parts, test them, and you should win. Read somewhere about one doing 145 cross country, not sure if that's true though."
May 11, 2019
"Well thats nothing new to me so we should do ok. I'm kinda from an area that doesn't have many paved roads and a whole lot of jungle."
May 11, 2019
Knight walks in looking very annoyed, he sits at the counter waiting for the bartender, he scans the bottles in the meantime, many drinks he recognized from other world's, he smiles at this, alcohol is the same everywhere
May 5, 2019
"Hmm... What's the strongest you can handle? I have up to 190 proof."
May 6, 2019
Knight hands her his cup, "I'll take that then, lets see if this curse can handle its alcohol," he jokes to himself
May 6, 2019
She would fill his cup, emptying 3 entire large bottles of Everclear. "Here ya go. This stuff, surprisingly, is dirt cheap for how strong it is. Like less than a bit's worth. Makes no sense to me."
May 7, 2019
Wyatt walks in and sits at the bar. "Do you have anything that'll kill me?" he asks seriously
May 6, 2019
*she enters the pub, her long fish tail swinging behind her slightly, and she looks around before heading towards the bar a , a few small daggers strapped to her side, and a bow and quiverful of arrows strapped to her back, and she looks to be muscled, and scarred. But she also seems to look to be t... View More
May 7, 2019
She smiles. "Drop by on Friday then." Just for the heck of it, she grabs another cider, setting it down. "Here, this one's on the house."
May 9, 2019
May 8, 2019
Name: Hymn
Gender: Female
Race: Siren
Age [If desired]:
Cutiemark/Glyphmark [If applicable]
Detailed Character Description: A tall, sturdily built female, with a web like thing going down her back (kinda like,the unreformed Changeling’s I guess?), and continuing down her strong fish tail. In this AU she has hind legs, (or legs, I’m not really used to Antro so forgive me if I get things wrong). Her skin/fur/scales are a turqouise/blue-green/sea-green color. She has multiple scars along her body, mostly from swords and the like, but there may be a few others hidden under her clothes
Apparrel: a tank top (or muscle shirt?) that allows for a wide range of movement, a good, sturdy pair of shorts, (if feet are in this one) A pair of flip flops that have a camouflage pattern on them. (If feet are not a thing ignore that, she just goes barefoot I guess.) the colors will vary because she doesn’t normally wear the same clothes everyday oof
Armament: few small daggers strapped to her side, bow and quiver full of arrows normally strapped to her back as well as her fucking teeth and fists.
Property/Average Funds: A small apartment, a house out by Ponyville, a few pets (she still has her animals, a.k.a. Lilly the fox, Silver the Maine Coon, Tree the Newfoundland, Gregory the duck, and the still unnamed other duck)
Bio: She left the ocean a while ago, to explore and try to prove that not all Sirens are evil. She’s gotten a few odd jobs here and there, but she mostly works at a fishing area
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Ok... 7 people (well, minus my other characters).... Can probably get this rollin' now. (tagging those I can so everyone sees) Captain Sky N Nova... Crap I don't have the others friendlisted xD
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I take it you have interest in Desielpunk / gritty-in-general stuff?
May 5, 2019
November 21, 2018
Name: Jury Rig
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony
Age: 38
Cutiemark/Glyphmark: A pipe wrench wrapped in duct tape.
Detailed Character Description: A tall, rust colored stallion with an average body build. With one leg missing, has a jury rigged hydraulic prothstetic. His mane is cut to a very short faux hawk, and is colored silver with white streaks. He has the starting of a beard on his jaw.
Apparrel: Bulwark Cathedral High Seer robes and mask.
Armament: Cane sword, Mauser Broomhandle.
Property/Average Funds: Room within cathedral dorms.
Bio: Being born in the city of rust, Mechanum, one grows up with the skills to make anything from nothing. Growing up homeless, Jury Rig certainly enacted his namesake to get ahead in life. He firmly beleives in the creed of Bulwark: Beings of this world need to be saved from themselves, as in their arrogance, they foolishly developed dangerous technologies, and as such , are unworthy of posessing said tech. A member since birth, he has followed the creed to the letter, liberating mech suits, firearms, and high tech munitions, among other things, from the foolish's grasp.
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November 21, 2018
Name: Sol Noctis
Gender: Female
Race: Batpony
Cutiemark/Glyphmark: Downturned sword, crescent moon superimposed at blade tip, bat wings on either point.
Detailed Character Description: A short, lithe bodied mare. Dark grey coat with multiple scars. Her mane is a dull grey-purple blend and hangs down to her bustline, parted to her right. Her eyes are a bright yellow. Across her left face are 3 scars, as if she was clawed by a griffon.
Apparrel: Dull purple turtleneck sweater, grey jeans, black calf length long coat, trench style; black fingerless gloves, and black combat boots.
Armament: 1x Welrod gen1 Integral Suppressed bolt action pistol, Luger P08 backup. 1x De Leisle Carbine with jury-rigged reflex sight.
Property/Average Funds: Owns a pub in Manehattan named The Golden Owl
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