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Princess FlurryHeart
My Aunt Twilight and I, always ready for an adventure! ✨ #Bestduo "Race you to the Crystal Heart!!" 💫
8 people like this.
Bright Brave
I've helped Twilight many times, maybe one day ill adventure with you too.
Like Yesterday, 8:58 am
Princess FlurryHeart
That would be fun! :D
Like Yesterday, 9:00 am
Sean Silvermane
The best duo is these two. I would like to go out on adventures to the Oasis with you. Show you my home.
Like Yesterday, 10:24 am
Princess FlurryHeart
That sounds like a plan! I'm down <3
Like Yesterday, 11:54 am
Opaline Arcana
Every day I thank the dirt and flames that I did away with you mockeries of alicorn representation.
Like 23 hours ago
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