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Nitroxus Soulspins Crystallo Candentis
*Nitroxus bounced on some bubbles that he was blowing into the air. He landed in front of the pony and then smiled. He then passed them a large gift* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Nitroxus jumps out of his hot air balloon and parachute down to the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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//Open Rp//
The Ship's floor heaved as the anchor hit the rocky sea floor, several weeks of Sailing through uncharted oceans had brought the crew here, to this land of rolling hills. There had bee... View More
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A Ghostling stowaway Would have woken up by the sound's of Bottle's of mead he thought was just Special water, A Pain began to erupt in his head after his hang-over as he didn't remember getting on a ship.....in fact he didn't remember ship's that were still being used.... Strange.
June 12, 2020
A nearby sailor grunted, as he lifted a hefty crate, right near the Ghostling. With a quick inhale he had it atop his back and began walking towards a light at the end of the corridor.
June 12, 2020
"Wow.....bad eyesight" He Quietly said before sneaking up on another sailor holding a bottle only to knock out the sailor and....cut a piece of his hair off ?. The Ghostling would gulp a little "I Really hate doing this!" He told himself swallowing the piece of hair making his appearance shape into ... View More
A mare trots down the hall, towards the sound of the stallion's body hitting the deck. She balked as she saw Ghostbit, stared at the Ghostling in disguise strangely for a moment. "Quid est teum nōmen?" She questioned in a foreign language.
June 12, 2020
This isn't to call anyone, just after a recent post I thought see. If you have some other stereotype, please share.
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Is It too late to join...?
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I'm slightly self conscious about posting my art as I am practically at the most beginner level possible, but uhh these are my second and third attempts at drawing ponies.
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i love thé eyes in the first one!! so cute, i like the second one a lot too since drawing certain angles is pretty difficult but u did a really good job
That's very kind of you to say, I have nothing but paper, pencils, a phone and tons of time, so might as well try something new.
ahah, these are great! everyone starts somewhere. its actually kind of heartwarming how much of an inspiration mlp has been as a place to start drawing ... it's where i & my friends started in middle school and ... who knew it'd be the start of a lifelong hobby or career path for so many people?? in... View More
Wow, I kinda wished I'd started doing art in middle school, I've still got a few years of highschool ahead of me, so we'll see if I can convince myself to continue.
You already have a grasp on perspective, and that's literally the hardest thing most of the artist encounter, good job on tackling that first, it'll do wonders.
May 29, 2020
*Nitroxus floated down from an assortment of balloons and land on the ground with a bow.* Hello, I hope you enjoy your time here.
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"Quis es?! Quid agis hic?!" The young unicron exclaims in shock.
Say what? Aw nuts, did I get a French pony? I'm never going to be able to talk with them.
May 25, 2020
Oh, okay. I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are? Also how are you doing today?
May 25, 2020
"Vert noic to met you, I am Crystallo Candentis, and I fare well."
May 25, 2020
The crisp salty air of the ocean whipped across the crew of an enormous flagship, Officers barked orders from above, as the crew scurried around making the final preparations to leave port. The idea o... View More
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// As in the official equestrian map there in much land that is unexplored, this story will follow a world expansion idea of an adventure through the sea, on a the trip of exploration and discovery, this is open and if you wish to participate, please message me
Oh no, you misunderstand. This takes place in the mlp universe as it is now. The ship and it's weapons are victorian era. Nothing else.
May 25, 2020
Oh yeah I should quickly add that this is a voyage from the far west to Equestria, not vice versa. So using new characters or making it non cannon to your story may be necessary.
May 25, 2020
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