Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
Equestria non canon
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Nitroxus Soulspins Mortifer
*Nitroxus walked on some stilts toward to the creature. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large git over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Gabriel waited on an island in the middle of the ocean, he knows Knight Wolf knows where he is, he couldn't have left a more obvious sign. He grinned as he dragged a shark onto the beach, he greedily ... View More
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It would be a couple of hours before Sylvia is given control again. Once that happened, Sylvia would make her way back to the cabin.
November 5, 2022
Gabriel laughs loudly as he feels his body recover from all the wounds, "So much power, you really outdid yourself becoming strong," he says as he walks forward to Knight who can barely stand, "You should just have done as you were created to do brother," he says as he dodges another of Knights atta... View More
November 5, 2022
Knight couldnt move, all his bones were broken, he had lost so much blood, he can barely breathe, he tries to open his eyes and he can see Gabriel holding him over the volcano, he reaches up and grabs his wrist, but he couldnt do anything, he had no more strength, his arm fell and his vision becomes... View More
November 5, 2022
Thats when they split. Sylvia would zoom by at in credible speed and would catch Knight. She would use her abilities over reality to reform the island and make it much bigger, bring him to a safe spot on the island.
Chiller and Demon would now float in front of Gabriel. Demon had a rather...uncomfo... View More
November 5, 2022
Upon seeing this, the younger mare would sigh and would sit down. She now meditates as she uses her arcane powers to purify the area, especially using arcanic light to do it. This process is going to take a long time, but she needs to do her job before she can relinquish control.
November 16, 2022
She would struggle only to see that she could do nothing, even the air felt dead in that island and it would remain so no matter how much she struggled, this was the demons power that was used from both Knight and Gabriels souls, it was absolute
November 16, 2022
This personality would stop after a while. "....I guess my job here is done..His whole thing is death... But this planet is an entity like no other......I may hate this life...but i know you will heal yourself..Or maybe you will keep this as a scar.." she smiles a little as she stands up. "..Our sca... View More
November 16, 2022
(...Oh, oops, now I just feel bad for that interaction with myself and Autumn in that dimension :sweat_smile:)
After a while of having taking over Mount Montezoa, Gabriel and his army had disappeared, it seems they left the place in ruins but as they were there only to destroy, many of the hidden artifacts and... View More
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*Some of my agents were already being sent to Mount Montezoa with emergency teleporters to take the survivors to the HQ to a secure room.*
March 14, 2022
*I slam my fist on the console.* Damn it! Good thing that I have their tags with me... I should probably deactivate their badges. *I proceed to do so.*
March 16, 2022
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I Am