
Mischievous Manticores
Hey Team #manticores only a few hours left! Lets show these silly mummies what sorta pranks we got under our sleeves!
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Spooking is better because it can provide entertainment and enjoyment without causing as much harm or discomfort to others as a prank. #manticores
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*Blushes embarrased* That's what happens when you don't read everything carefully *giggles*
On second thought I would say pranking is probably better because spookying somepony could cause genuine fear and distress, while a prank is more light hearted and funny. #manticores
im voting both
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*I would do another prank, placing Wonder Flowers in random spots. With one activation from one Wonder Flower, I would make everything go crazy and zany.* #Manticores
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"To be forced to believe in a false truth, convincing enough to change one's view of the world… is far more terrifying than a simple scare."
Little Leaf coughs.
"You can never see yourself in the mi... View More
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