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What is a stereotypical oc?
1 person liked this.
Lord Somber
No such thing
Like January 6, 2023
Vy Thresh
Gratuitous inspiration taken from existing characters
Like January 6, 2023
An OC that fits within a widely-held and narrow-minded opinion of a particular type of person or thing. Which can look like many things. A greedy, asshole Griffon. A snooty, self-important elite of Canterlot. Or even an alicorn with poor judgement skills. If describing your OC has the side effect of... View More
Like January 6, 2023
Like January 7, 2023
well, that really depends. I’d say all OCs fall into some stereotypes, but a ‘stereotypical OC’ only exists to an outsider looking at the frame of a character. if you told me to draw a stereotypical OC with no further instructions, I’d be completely lost! stereotypes come from the setting of the sto... View More
Like January 7, 2023 Edited
I get what you're saying. Like, for example, Artemis is a stereotypical OC because he's blue. Now, I know what you're thinking; I'm blue too. But! Mine is the original first blue. He might say otherwise with lazy lies like he's been here longer or he is more blue than me, but it's all just manufactu... View More
Like January 7, 2023
Lord Somber
Technically....Artemis, because I don't own him obviously, is a Male Luna. You know this. I know this. We all know this. With that being said, a male Luna was probably the first blue compared to you. Just...logically speaking of course. So my Daddy-hating bitch is the actual real deal. (Yes, Artemi... View More
Like January 7, 2023
I rest my case, your honor.
Like January 7, 2023