Stickman's Adventures: The Genocide RouteSA
Stickman's Adventures: The Genocide Route
*Jewel and the resistance group would plan an expedition to the Well of Shadows within the abandoned pony village. It would be there that they would meet Stickman.*
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
Hmm. It seems here is where I'm getting readings of massive power. *She would wave a radar around.*
August 3, 2023

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Kahl) Commander Blue Bird. Permission to go on ahead? *Kahl would look at Jewel with his grakata in his hands.*
August 3, 2023

Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*She nods.* Yeah. Just be careful, Kahl.
August 3, 2023
*Upon return to the HQ, Jewel, Tulin, Kahl, Skye, and Sentient Reign Stickman were in the map room, looking over each corner of the ruined Equestria. They also had other worlds up.* #rp
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(Kahl) Survivors can't keep getting attacked like this, commander blue bird. Plan of attack is needed.
(Tulin) I agree with Kahl. Have we really exhausted every option?
(SRS) Not really. There could be one option that we could use against my ink self. *He would hold up the Nataruk.* This bow has the... View More
*She would sigh.* We just need a sound plan to incapacitate him. But how? He's everywhere all at once...
July 30, 2023
(Tulin) We need someone who can match him. Who can outwit him, more like. The only one we know of that can do that, however, Stickman dismantled long ago.
July 30, 2023
Right... Nega Stickbot Alpha. He was the only one that had power matched to Stickman.
July 30, 2023
(Time to revitalize this timeline. Let's dive back in once more, shall we?)
*Jewel was helping some survivors get to Monros for safety for now. Kahl and Tulin were with her, providing backup just in ... View More
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Going well. I don't see Stickman on my end either. Though at this point, I'm not really sure where my brother is...
June 12, 2023
*The three would hear a rumbling.*
(Tulin) Seems he's coming back for round two. We might wanna get to Monros before we're clawed to death again. *He would take off toward Monros.*
July 20, 2023
*Jewel would look back in sadness as she made her way to Monros.* We'll get you soon, brother... I promise.
July 20, 2023
*Stickman would make his way to Monros. He had taken out those outside Monros's walls... but now it was time for Monros itself. Jewel would sit atop one of the walls adorning Monros. With a projection... View More
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No one do anything until I give the word. Going at him all at once will result in more casualties. *She would face toward the horizon. She would then see purple sparks off in the horizon. It was her brother.* There you are, brother.
May 20, 2023
*I would look up at the wall of Monros and smile a sadistic bloody smile.* Ahh... the safe haven for many creatures... I have yet to take this one out... Knight should be easy to take down...
(Kahl) Blue bird sure this will work?
May 20, 2023
*She would look on in silence.* I'm... not really sure.
May 26, 2023
*A group from the rebellion would make their way to Vinyl City. Or the ruins of it at least. The group would have their own snazzy outfits on due to the chaos field. The group consisted of Jewel, Skye... View More
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(Kahl) Why Kahl in snazzy outfit? Why teammates in snazzy outfits?
(Skye) To blend in. Or... they were. Guess the chaos fields are still up.
*Kahl looks at himself for a bit.*
(Kahl) Kahl look nice. *He smiles at his getup.* Wait till blue girl sees me in new outfit.
May 16, 2023
*Kahl would look around.*
(Kahl) Quite the place.
(Skye) It... used to be beautiful... until Stickman... y'know.
May 16, 2023
*Jewel would nod.* Everyone lined up to see all the concerts. I heard even our friend Knight attended one of our friend Yinu's concerts. *She would put a claw to her earpiece.* Isn't that right, Knight?
May 16, 2023
(Kahl) Cursed wolf like classical music? *He would sound confused on that.*
May 17, 2023
*Meanwhile, Skystar would explore her old stomping grounds.* H-hello? Is there anyone here? *She would, with her Keyblade in her beak, wander around her home.* #rp
*Near Monros, Jewel would try and search for her friend Knight Wolf. If there's anyone that can possibly help capture her genocidal brother, it would be him. Or at least one of.* #rp
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Knight? Are you here? *She would go up to the gates of Monros.* I need your help trying to capture my brother... if you can... *She would knock on the gate's door.*
I'll be up there in a minute, Kahl. Try and route a supplies line to the survivor's camp. The more supplies we can deliver to the camp, the better.
May 14, 2023
*Kahl would salute.*
(Kahl) Understood, commander blue bird. *He would head back to the teleporter.*
May 14, 2023
*She would turn to Knight.* Sorry about that. We've been getting reports of survivors in all of the Cartoon worlds. Makes this bird lose an age a day with how much stress this is giving me. *She wipes her forehead.*
May 14, 2023
*Jewel would be situated in her office, looking over files for potential new recruits based off of the survivors she heard about.* Hmm. #rp
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Glad to hear you're here to help. And I'm only temporarily leading until he comes back to the light. I know he will... eventually. *She sighs sadly.*
May 10, 2023
(Nico) If your brother's anything to go by, seems like he's the one that needs help. *He would take off his bottle cap hat and hold it in his wings.*
May 11, 2023
*Jewel would go out herself and search around a ruined Ponyville to search for any supplies or survivors. She brought Kahl with her just in case.*
(Kahl) Pony town spooky in ruins. Kahl say blow it up... View More
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Sorry, Kahl. We can't do that. You never know if anyone's still around here. C'mon. *She would trudge through the bones littered about.*
May 8, 2023
This... town should've at least had a few survivors... right? *She would look worried.* I mean... he... couldn't have killed them all... Right?
May 8, 2023
(Kahl) Kahl don't like this. Kahl have uneasy feeling.
May 8, 2023
*She would form fireballs in her claws just in case.* Not liking the look of this either, Kahl.
May 8, 2023
Hello, and welcome to this friendship letter! In this one, I will be regularly updating this friendship letter with the statuses of everyone that's in the Genocide Route timeline, so everyone can keep track of who's still alive and who was brutally murdered by Stickman. Speaking of which...
-Currently committing mass genocide
-Has no sympathy due to everyone calling him a monster
-Temporarily leading the USF in an effort to capture and restore her brother to his former glory, but fears it's far too late
-Wishes things could've been different
-The USF's "Eyes in the Sky" for the Genocide Route timeline
-Feels bad she couldn't do anything to help her hero from becoming the genocidal maniac
-Stickman's Wife and currently at the Survivor's Camp.
-Wishes her husband could return to normal
-Currently at the survivor's camp trying to lift everyone's spirits.
-Is sad but confident her hero will return to normal... eventually.
-Currently the transportation for non flight agents
-Leads the scout forces sometimes
-Currently fights to save everyone from his former brother (That being Stickman)
-Much like everyone else, hopes Stickman can snap out of it.
-Whereabouts unknown after trying to help Jewel subdue Stickman
-Wishes death upon Stickman after the mass genocide he caused
Knight Wolf
-Wants to kill his old friend Stickman
That's all so far! As the story develops, more characters will go in this friendship letter to mark the statuses of everyone that's participating in this fun look into a different timeline. This will also be a good tool for everyone to know what's going on with everyone. -Stickman
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As people get involved with this rp, I will add them to this friendship letter. If you want to just follow along, feel free! This is just a little tool for both me and anyone involved in the RP.
May 8, 2023
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