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Twilight Ashes Input Gain
Twilight continuously poked her boyfriend with her hoof. "Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe-" She poked his cheek. "I love you....Babe, babe, babe" She giggled.
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Twilight walked up to the red pony, blushing softly and tapped his broad shoulder. "H-hi I'm Twilight! I was wondering...well can you help me? My microphone stopped working...Im supposed to record som... View More
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The broad velvet stallion stopped what he was doing and looked to the mare that had just suddenly tapped his shoulder. "Why, salutations to you from myself I guess. Input's the name." He heard her comments about her microphone and paused for a moment. "Are you asking to use my studio, or to fix your... View More
"If you could fix mine?" She chews her lip nervously, shifting back and forth. "I c-can pay you!"
March 12, 2020
"Don't bother, I make enough at my station. Show me your gear." He instructed, simply seating himself infront of the mare and adjusting his tie a slightbit. "These issues are usually user error, if this is the case, I can show you how to avoid it in the future."
She smiles softly, "R-Right, well it's at m-my house.." She stamps the dirt softly, wondering why she can't stop thinking about how cute the velvet pony is.
March 15, 2020
*Nitroxus exploded out of the ground and bowed* I hope that enjoy the times that you will spend here!
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