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Nitroxus Soulspins Veronica Cuffs
*Nitroxus dove out of a train and rolled down the hill to the pony. He then stood up and smiled. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a unicycle and was juggling some bowling pins. He soon smiled to the pony. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus dove out of the ground and landed on the surface. He smiled to the pony. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"Hey shady baby, I'm hot, like the prodigal son." Veronica would be flying in an upright position, moving her legs walking forward to fake 'moon-walk'. Earbuds hanging from her ears, clearly not watch... View More
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Veronica giggled in agreement. "Veronica Cuffs!" She responded happily, her wings flapping a couple times when she annouced herself.
August 9, 2023
The Hybrid would stare at the pony, Before flapping away for a few second's only to return with a Ice cream cone... and a block of ice, Placing it on their back to A. Help them if they hurt something and B. See what might happen.
*Nitroxus rode on a magical carpet and flew to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Then all of the sudden
Cop mare nose dives into the dirt. Rear legs kicking as her head was stuck in the ground. Like an ostrich...But with a badge and gun.
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She forms a giant snow hand in the air and plucks Veronica from the ground like a carrot with it, before putting her on the ground gently, "There you go, eh?"
Indeed it wasn't. Don't really matter for an ice magic specialist.
Veronica is just winged horse with gun. Veronica is confusion.
Asuka would laugh if it was anyone else. Instead she just attempts to help the officer while jokingly stating "Practicing your stage dive?"
October 6, 2020
"My phone is slow and spotify wouldn't load." She said with a sad expression, feeling her muzzle. "Is it broken?"
"Doesn't look like it." Asuka places her hoof under Veronica's chin so she can turn her muzzle slightly to look at it. She's made sure to wear gloves before doing so, and dispose of them afterwards. "Nope. It'll probably hurt for a bit, but it'll be fine."
October 6, 2020
Carmine points and laughs.
...But then he feels bad and just quietly shuffles into the background.
October 6, 2020
The ghostling would had dropped his juice box off the cliff he was sitting on from the impact of something hitting the ground. "GAH! MA JUICE! What they hey was that!?" He shouted turning around to spot Another one of the cuff's "..........Either that's a cosplayer wearing a super hero wig or that o... View More
October 7, 2020
Veronica violently kicked her hind legs before pulling her head out of the ground. Her mane frizzled and her eyes shut. "No, I'm not dead..." She said with a groan, rubbing her head with her foreleg. She stood up, checked her vest and belt. "Appreciate the help." She said with a sarcastic tone, rol... View More
October 7, 2020
"Ok, How did you fall onto the ground, Thought pegasus's were the greatest flyer's! Heck my mother is friend's is Rainbow crash!" He asked her before helping with getting the dirt out of her wing's as he used to do the same to his mothersh- I mean best friend fluttershy.
"Like, Really ? How did you... View More
October 7, 2020
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Apex bit her lip and nodded her head. "Haaa.." She laughed. "Hypothetically, if I gave you my Valentines Card and you took it.." The mare looked side to side before leaning in. "Does that mean you too... View More
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It was towards the end of a day, the sun was settling down into the night but not enough for the lights of day to be significantly gone. Apex trotted over to Veronica's residence with a backpack that ... View More
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a pony was walking around in a black hoodie drawing some decent graffiti on a few walls " I need to find a new job I have way too much off time " talking to herself drawing Princess Luna eating way too many pies
January 18, 2020
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