Pegasus Pony
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Up at three in the morning again, as is usual for the editor.
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Bright Brave
Editor of what?
9 hours ago

White Blossom
Oh should have specified. I do hobbyist (currently) video stuff.
9 hours ago

Bright Brave
Aaaayyyyeeeee. 🤙
9 hours ago
Yesterday, I flew up to the top of a building on a whim and suffice to say, it wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. I fly all the time and see everything below. And plus, idk if we're allow... View More
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"You are, but honestly, that just makes you hotter." Sprout winked.
What a howdy kind of pony.
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This is not a cowboy hat... Don't worry, you're not the first one.
Practice boop safety! An overly strong boop can result in an injury to the snoot, and that's *bad!*
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Anyone ever just kind of randomly whinny to themselves when no one's around
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