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Doom Bringer

Male. Lives in The Courtroom,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on January 18, 1900
Earth Pony
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Doom Bringer
Someday I hope to be given regular access to Tartarus, it's where the most prominent of MISCREANTS lie afterall. But they must've trained that damn dog on my scent, (which is a pleasant one mind you)... View More
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would run on top of a tall green and black ball. Once in front of the new being, he would bounce off of it and land with a bow. With a warm grin and welcoming vibe, he would wave.* I'm here ... View More
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Doom Bringer
I'm running low on cases to oversee, if anyponys aware of any MISCREANTS on the loose, please let me know. I'm a reliable and JUST judge, despite what the crown will tell you.
2 people like this.
Opaline Arcana
I'll let you know.
Like 23 hours ago
Doom Bringer
Everypony these days just love to perpetuate lies. Lies are ILLEGAL. I'm going to make one thing clear for the law abiding ponies out there who want to combat the MISCREANTS like I do: A shrimp can N... View More
5 people like this.
Opaline Arcana
I'm quite a fan of fried rice.
Like Yesterday, 7:23 am
Bright Brave
Like Yesterday, 7:26 am
Pepper Snap
I saw the shrimp frying up some rice tho
Like Yesterday, 8:19 am
Are you truly about that?
Like Yesterday, 2:35 pm
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would look at the reports.* Egads! Its all true. A shrimps can't fry that rice. Or any rice in that case.
Like Yesterday, 3:05 pm
Doom Bringer
I swear, when I catch the pony locking the courtroom doors at night to keep me in, I'm sentencing you to life unless you fess up. I've been taking the windows instead, you ponies have no respect for ... View More
Doom Bringer
The janitor in this court really gets me, he got me a gift basket earlier, granted it was all cleaning supplies but he is 100% not a criminal. More ponies need to be like him. Less miscreants, more gi... View More
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