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Whispy Willow

Female. Lives in Canterlot,  Hayseed Swamp,  Equestria. Born on February 13, 1998
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Helloooo! My name is Whisp, it’s great to meet you.
Roleplay Universe
Canon, AU, EqG
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Ponysquare Refugees
442 Members

Status Update

Whispy Willow
#rp Willow posts a sign up on her front door that reads “Hiring evil henchman/woman! Inquire inside.”
5 people like this.
Polo Fastter
polo kick the door down and said "am in"
Like May 24, 2021
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Polo Fastter
"oh, sorry about the table" polo said as he put the table back.
Like May 24, 2021
Whispy Willow
“It’s alright, I always hated that table.” She cleared her voice. “First matter of Evil Business is making every pony my friend, so I can betray them all later!”
Like May 24, 2021
Polo Fastter
"make since" polo said as he write it down.
Like May 24, 2021
The Keeper and The Monster
"Alright. So what's the pay?"
Like May 24, 2021
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The Keeper and The Monster
"Hundred a day huh? Must be some pretty profitable villainy huh?"
Like May 24, 2021
Whispy Willow
“Oh, hon. That’s barely anything at all! It’s... it’s only a kiss more than minimum wage.”
Like May 24, 2021
The Keeper and The Monster
"Right. Not sure what country's minimum wage is nearly $100 a day, but I'll assume I'm just not familiar with it. What about work conditions? What will I be expected to do?"
Like May 24, 2021 Edited
Doe stares at the sign, ooh, horrible memories of the past!
Like May 24, 2021
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Whispy Willow
“Whoda what? Oh no, just be yourself!”
Like May 24, 2021
"but.. what's this job about.." she would mutter
Like May 24, 2021
Whispy Willow
“You see, I’m trying to take over the world! But I can’t do that it I don’t have ponies trusting me, wanting to follow my lead. We’re going to befriend everyone so they’ll be willing to follow.” She clapped. “See? Super easy!”
Like May 24, 2021
Yami Crosshide
*sees the sign, grabs it.....then eats it and continues with my day*
Like May 24, 2021
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Yami Crosshide
oh no...*still walking away* somebody stop me..
Like May 24, 2021
Whispy Willow
“I like you! Hey, pal, you want a job as my assistant to, like, evil and stuff?”
Like May 24, 2021
Yami Crosshide
*stops to look back* good, sounds like too much work *he then went back to walking*
Like May 24, 2021