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Male. Lives in Ponyville,  Fillydelphia,  Equestria. Born on February 20, 2002
Earth pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
If it is rp, please for the love of all things holy, dont take it too seriously. The oc may be a bee keeper, but dont expect the admin (me) to know anything about bee keeping. I know jack shit.
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The Castle
172 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a blue pipe that was in the air. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus slowly floated down from using gossamer wings on his arms. He landed in front of the pony. He smiled as he passed a gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus tied on a cape and flew to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Bumble would clear his throat and would adjust his shades. "U-Umm..D-did you know that bees never a-actually sleep?...Th-they do rest at night, b-but they dont sleep. They are up 24/7. I-Its probably ... View More
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Amy Callihan
NEFARIOUS! would give a disturbingly unhinged look as he would grit his teeth. He nearly looked angry until he would get close. His face then relaxed into a smile. "Is that so? Very interesting. I'll keep that in mind." He would then turn to waltz off.
Like November 28, 2022
He wasnt sure what to make of this. The poor stallion was rather disturbed by this interaction. He would now procced to go home, where he will drink to forget this moment.
Like November 28, 2022
Bumble clears his throat a bit and adjusts his shades. "S-so..Umm..Just a random little bee fact...Western Honey Bees are also known as Apis Mellifera. Apis in Greek means "swarm", and Mellifera in La... View More
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Kiwi Light
“What a bee-utiful fact!”
Like November 7, 2022
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Kiwi Light
Kiwi walks away into the tree line where she came from.
Like November 7, 2022
Kiwi Light
right before popping her head out and letting one last one out “I’ll bee-going now”
Like November 7, 2022
".........." Bumble just stares at the pony as he tries to process the string of emotions he just went through.
Like November 7, 2022
I.need to use this boi more....
ok...Im on my lap top this time...Another 504 gateway error....Is something being worked on?
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More of a byproduct from a recent fix
Like September 26, 2022
"You know....I've never tasted a honeycomb...I know that's b-bit weird coming from me s-since I'm a beekeeper...But I've never tried it...I-I've thought about it, but never tried it. I-In all honesty.... View More
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If anyone feels like rping with this character, just shoot a pm. I'm bored rn.
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I gotta find a way to use this guy more...
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Step 1: Main the character Step 2: Accept any and all roleplays. All. Step 3: ???... View More
Like September 7, 2022
Lock On
Step 5:Find out most of the roleplays are doodoo Step 6: Get overwhelmed Step 7: Burn out... View More
Like September 8, 2022
Stardusk Strider
Step 5, 6 and 7 touched me on a spiritual level
Like September 8, 2022
Everytime I find someone to rp with, everything ends before it starts. I just be chillin now. At least with this character. My other character, I only have a few consistent ones going on, at least for now.
Like September 8, 2022
Ephemeria Spring
It'll probably help to toss any open RP posts some interaction or write up your own because they really are underutilised and most are starved of attention that isn't a meek 3-4 replies, then you can go from there when you feel a dynamic that's interesting or manage to find a person that vibes with ... View More
Like September 8, 2022
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