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Other. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on October 24, 2002
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hello there! I am the original creator of Death Rose and I'm very much open to roleplay. One thing about me is that my world building skills might be a bit overboard although I try to make sure everything makes sense. If you are unfamiliar with Equinox then don't worry to much because not much it know about it to begin with. The idea originally came from the My Little Amnesia and Equinox Ponies AU as well as Tumblr Asks.
Some quick things ill clear up. No I don't own Equinox or My Little Amnesia,... View More
Roleplay Universe
Equinox & Equestria
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a tree and looked around to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bounced on a pogo stick toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
1 person liked this.
(lil pixel rose)
13 people like this.
Alder Pinedrake
Like May 17, 2023
Like May 17, 2023
Question is... Who are they walking toward's!?
Like May 17, 2023
"Wouldnt you like to know little one." (run)
Like May 17, 2023
"I'm like the same size of a pony, just a inch taller than them!, But I'mma run away before something bad happens"
Like May 17, 2023
(Rose is actually much taller than a regular pony, ponytown just doesnt offer size changes :') )
Like May 17, 2023
Like May 17, 2023
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(all the lil pixel ponies you see like this are from Pony Town or one of its...5 or 6 variations)
Like May 17, 2023
Oh I know it's from Ponytown, I just meant the nodding animation ;w;
Like May 17, 2023
Like May 17, 2023
Rose rubbed her temples slightly, "I am tired and I am hungry but, I am also conflicted on what I want to eat. Nothing seems appealing yet there is too many options. I think im going to just lay down ... View More
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Princess Starwatcher
good night
Like May 16, 2023
Eat me
Like 11 hours ago
Bright Brave
2 year necro post. Nice.
Like 10 hours ago
You followed me here nice
Like 10 hours ago
I mean... Boop
Like 11 hours ago
:sneer:We gotta revive her
Like 10 hours ago
(Old image but i made pen art)
"Hmm...considering my mother was practically my Mentor, who is now i just...set out a plate of chocolate like im waiting for a cat to come home or...?"
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Princess Starwatcher
Like May 14, 2023
Stardusk Strider
"just lay a potato on the ground!"
Like May 15, 2023
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Stardusk Strider
Once she does it, Stardusk pounces on the potato, batting at it like a kitty. "What? I like to pretend to be a cat."
Like May 15, 2023
"You have got to be one of the most unique friends i have."
Like May 15, 2023
Stardusk Strider
He was laying on his back before nibbling at the potato "says you."
Like May 15, 2023
"All of you are adorable, take a ginger snap cookie."
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Huh? Nope
Like May 12, 2023
The Outsider
The Evergrowing takes the cookie it's been given and wanders off, sitting down nearby to stare at the object.
Like May 12, 2023
"Oh...well...enjoy." ^^
Like May 12, 2023
*Story blushes slightly, before gently accepting a cookie, and starts to eat it* “Uh…th-thanks..”
Like May 12, 2023
Rose gives a small head pat before walking along
Like May 12, 2023
Stardusk Strider
"but you are the most adorable!...just maybe too tall. You should condense yourself for maximum cuteness!"
Like May 12, 2023
"I- but- thats what Jigsaw is for!"
Like May 12, 2023
Rose would shiver slightly, "It is is cold...i dont like the RAIN!"
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Stardusk Strider
Stardusk simply snicked. "You're supposed to dodge the rain drops to avoid being cold and wet. Duh!"
Like May 12, 2023
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"S-stardusk i dont think i can do that."
Like May 12, 2023
Stardusk Strider
"then just, cast some bubble or something and protect yourself from the rain! And then cast a scarf around you to keep yourself warm! It's that easy!"
Like May 12, 2023 Edited
"If my magic holds out for longer then the rain then i suppose that could work."
Like May 13, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
*grabs and umbrella and a blanket* I can help!
Like May 12, 2023
"Awee thank you." ^^
Like May 12, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
You're welcome!
Like May 12, 2023
"B-But plants need the rain" scotch stutters.
Like May 12, 2023
Alder Pinedrake
*points to Butterscotch* they got a point.
Like May 12, 2023
"Im not a plant!" DX
Like May 13, 2023
*Story looks at DeathRose and says* “I dunno, I kind of like the rain. It’s refreshing when the rain comes down, bringing life to the world as it does so. But, here, you can have my cape if it makes you feel better.” *He gives DeathRose his cape, despite the fact now he doesn’t have anything between... View More
Like May 12, 2023
"Awe you really are to kind, but are you sure? You yourself will be drenched."
Like May 13, 2023
*He shrugged her off* “I’ll be fine! You need it more then me anyways.”
Like May 13, 2023
Rose calmly walked in and placed a clipboard down, "Alright, I got the unfortunate luck of having my entire schedual wiped today, so...whos got the urk to rant?"
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"Oh I got PLENTY to rant about!" Sprout slammed her hoof down. "Foals keep writing weird things on the restroom stalls, whoever's supposed to be locking up after closing keeps lobbing their shifts onto me, I have commitment issues that stem from me wanting to keep myself in an undesirable position... View More
Like May 5, 2023
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"Yup." Sprout bit into the cookie. "Huh. Interesting flavor. Anyway...I thought Ponyville would be an improvement over where I came from, but jeez! I wasn't expecting much from a janitor job, but dear sweet precious Celestia, these ponies could at least show a LITTLE respect! I swear, one of t... View More
Like May 5, 2023
Rose let out a soft chuckle, "Well, as much as this small town is given high praise, I too admit that it is not all that its given credit for. Many times I've experienced high levels of insincerity and distrust. Though, you should see Canterlot. The only one's I find there who are remotely pleasent ... View More
Like May 5, 2023
Sprout paused. "My, uh, friend always used to drag me here whenever she went...out. So, when I left, it was the only place I felt comfortable going. Surprisingly cheap, too. I bet the same job in Manehattan would only afford me a slightly bigger cardboard box."
Like May 5, 2023
Rose walks out and sets down two piping hot trays of gringer snaps, "If you want one, come get one. Please dont burn yourselves."
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Star Hope
Star tilted her head to the side, looking to them before asking "Uh, what are these? I don't think I've ever had these before"
Like March 30, 2023
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Star Hope
"Absolutely! I'd be more than glad to make a few cups. Unless you want it right now. I always carry a thermos with some warm tea in it just in case"
Like March 30, 2023
"Im a patient mare, im willing to wait." ^^
Like March 30, 2023
Star Hope
Star now had a bright smile as she said "Great! Just a moment and I'll have it ready and brewed to perfection!" Then lit up her horn as she brought a kettle out of her saddlebag. Once she did, she gathered up a few things for a fire in an oddly quick manner, but would use a match to light it before ... View More
Like March 30, 2023
*uses my magic to pick one up and cool it down before I carefully eat it* mm yummy
Like March 30, 2023
"Glad you enjoy them~"
Like March 30, 2023
me too. *smiles*
Like March 30, 2023
Snow Storm
The Snow White Pegasus sniffed at the air vigorously to follow the scent of ginger. Her eyes widened with surprise to find a pony handing out cookies! “Yeeeeas please!” She bounded up to them with a toothy grin, “May I take two?!”
Like March 30, 2023
"Take as many as your heart's desire, i can make more."
Like March 30, 2023
Silverspark:a small filly smelling the fresh baked gingersnaps seeing these cookies " awesome you got any milk to go with these I love milk with my cookies?"she asked politely
Like March 30, 2023
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