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Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on February 26, 1998
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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On the internet, nobody knows you're a pony.....
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Bright Brave
And they don't know how plucky and cute Torch is.
Like September 8, 2024 Edited
That won't stop you from getting run up on lil bro
Like September 8, 2024
*ISP huffing up your data like glue*
Like September 8, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Well, I do know everything else....
Like September 8, 2024
"Actually, no, no, I'm not gonna be a psychologist, that's not good enough - I'm gonna be a DOCTOR! A famous one! I'll research tons of stuff and become the best doctor in the world. I'm already readi... View More
"When I grow up, I'm gonna be a PSYCHOLOGIST. It'll be so cool." #rp
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Nar Yakushi
"Well, what kind of psychologist were you thinking? Are you talking more along the lines of researching behavior? Or do you mean more like a counselor, or therapist? I know I wanted to be a counselor when I went to college. Psych 101 was really cool! Then when I got to Psych 202, it was aaaaaall abo... View More
Like September 5, 2024
"A child psychologist! I understand children, because I am one! I'll help everypony with their mental illnesses. I'm already an animal psychologist, cats are so intelligent and I love trying to understand them, every cat is so unique! They're such emotional creatures."
Like September 6, 2024
"Wut dat ?"
Like September 5, 2024
Bright Brave
"When I grow up, I'm gonna be a PSOCIOPATH. It'll be something."
Like September 5, 2024
"What! That's not right! Don't be a sociopath, that would be so mean of you!!"
Like September 6, 2024
Peach plum
"That's uh, a nice dream to have young one! Strive for everything you possibly could do youngin!"
Like September 6, 2024
"Granola bars for sale! Get your granola bars while they're still hot!!" The little filly, Torch, shouts to the common folks, operating a stand of questionable legality that sells just such items of f... View More
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Olive Drab
"...are they gluten free? Because, like, I REALLY can't have gluten, but I friggin love granola bars"
Like September 4, 2024
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Olive Drab
"b-but I thought we could hang out and talk about autoimmune diseases"
Like September 5, 2024
"What! Autoimmine diseases! That sounds cool. What kind are we talking here? I know about Diabetes from my mom, that counts as one, right?"
Like September 6, 2024
Olive Drab
"...yeah! That's why I brought up celiac, silly!"
Like September 9, 2024
“Are you trying to run my bakery out of business with your unlicensed business?!”
Like September 4, 2024
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Bright Brave
"Buck off Seren. Royalty says she can sell. Go take it up with them." Bright looked down at the purple maned pone lady.
Like September 4, 2024
“Wow, my business that has given you free bread on multiple occasions probably sucks?”
Like September 5, 2024
Bright Brave
Like September 5, 2024
„I wonder if you carry any nondescript flavor granola bars. Granola bar flavor, so to say.“ the stallion says, rubbing his chin as he glances over the selection of items.
Like September 6, 2024
"Do you mean just honey and oats? I have five of them. Let me just.." Torch scrounges around in the box of homemade bars beneath the stand, procuring three of them - the rest are buried. "Does this work?" She asks, setting them down on the table's top.
Like September 6, 2024
Peach plum
“Hmmmm. If ah give ya a bunch of leftover peaches from the next harvest, if that ever comes… will you make some bars out those fruit bits?” peach asked, pain slightly in her voice at the mention of her next harvest. A single tear rolled down her eye. She kept up the bright smile
Like September 6, 2024
"Peach granola bars? Preposterous! I'll do it." Says Torch with an awkward smile, trying to imagine what a peach bar tastes like. Sounds kinda yucky, but others might like to try it.
Like September 6, 2024
Peach plum
“Alright! Be seeing you youngin” peach began walking off towards her farm. “We will wait many years!” Peach hummed to herself
Like September 6, 2024
"You wanna FIGHT?? I'll kick your butt, just watch! I know karate, I've been practicing for three whole weeks!!" #rp
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Sky Arrow
The much taller Sky Arrow places his hoof on her forehead, her hooves not long enough to hit him as he kept her out of reach. "Oh no, how frightening..." he said with a smug look on his face watching them struggle.
Like September 4, 2024
"Hey! That's not fair! Let me at ya, stop cheating! I'd WRECK you in a REAL fight!!" Torch shouts, batting at the hoof upon her forehead with one of her forelegs.
Like September 4, 2024
Sky Arrow
Sky chuckles as their little blows to his hoof bounced off. "Well, you have heart, I'll give you's just in a very tiny cute little package."
Like September 4, 2024
Peach plum
Peach felt threatened, so she began throwing peaches at the filly. “Ah will defend myself!!”
Like September 4, 2024
Torch's dodgeball instincts kick in. She dips, dives, ducks and weaves between them, but the assault of peaches quickly wears her down as her dodges fail to keep her safe. "I give up, I give up! No more!!"
Like September 6, 2024
Peach plum
Peach stopped and opened her eyes, "Do ya concede youngin?" Peach asked, she tried to look brave, but her fur was standing up, she put the remaining downs. Peach was shorter than the filly.
Like September 6, 2024
Even if we did I've trained for several years and fought intergalactic creatures.
Like September 5, 2024
Amity Guard
Amity smacks his forehead. "I teach you karate for three weeks and its already gone to your head..."
Like September 5, 2024
"I've been practicing on my own! I'm way better than you think I am. Fight me!!"
Like September 6, 2024
Amity Guard
"I'm pretty confident in my assessment of your abilities, especially of your cocky nature..." He sighed a little bit and shook your head. "Maybe these lessons were a mistake."
Like September 6, 2024
Torch is vomiting into the trashcan. She ate a cigarette a few minutes ago to get out of going to art class, she was saving it just for this purpose. Not worth it. Puking sucks. Also, her teacher saw ... View More
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Bright Brave
Don't poison yourself. Hone early is always good. Shcool is the worst.
Like September 2, 2024 Edited
"Do you have a special coin collection like I do? Any coins, any at all, they just have to be something I don't already have. Your weirdest coins, I can pay you with bits if they're valuable. I like t... View More
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Maxh Vezpyre
He will give her a pat, a huggle with one of his front legs, and one big Arabian gold coin, for Torch it might be the size of a tea-cup plate, is not entirely shiny for actual pure gold has no shine, and with the face of Somnambula on one side. He cannot give another however.
Like September 2, 2024
"Woah! That's a big coin!! I'm going to hang it up on my bedroom wall! Thank yoouu!" Says Torch, oblivious to the true expense of the offered coin. Regardless, she adds it to her coinpurse in her saddlebags, where the jingle jingle of all the coins provide her the most soothing of sounds possible. W... View More
Like September 2, 2024
Maxh Vezpyre
Although she won't know the value of that coin, it's alright he can give her another at some other time. Will Torch get her allowance as well? find out in the next episode.
Like September 2, 2024
Bright Brave
>:( "I only have normal golden bits."
Like September 2, 2024
"Do you have a special coin collection like I do? Any coins, any at all, they just have to be something I don't already have. Your weirdest coins, I can pay you with bits if they're valuable. I like t... View More
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Bright Brave
"A coin filly. Impossible."
Like September 1, 2024
"Wanna hear my coinpurse? It's a REALLY good noise." Torch takes the little coinpurse out of her bag and sits down to toss it from hoof to hoof. It makes such a heavenly noise. She becomes completely absorbed in the tossing of the little article that she almost forgets Bright Brave is there. Eventu... View More
Like September 1, 2024
"A...Ain't a bit a coin though ? "
Like September 1, 2024
"A bit is a coin, but not a RARE coin! You can exchange a high quantity of less valuable items, for a MORE valuable item! That's what I'm trying to do. I want rare coins. Please."
Like September 1, 2024
"I Only got some coins from a strange pizza place, with some robot ponies inside of it!"
Like September 1, 2024
Queen of Corruption
Jaslyn pulled a bag of pesos from her pocket, which pulled from a portal ripping into the fabric of reality. “Will these count to you tiny one?”
Like September 1, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Bright Brave
Torch is more fired than Misty.
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"What! Fired! I'm not even old enough for a job!! What was I fired from???"
Like September 1, 2024 Edited
Bright Brave
"Don't be an age'ist. You're fired from most about everything." 😌
Like September 1, 2024
"Am I GROUNDED?? You can't ground me! That's not your right!!"
Like September 1, 2024
Bright Brave
"Only abusive parents ground their children. Corporal punishment is always the solution. Where's Misty when you need her."
Like September 1, 2024
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