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Dawn Angelica Blaze

Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. 26 years old
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Dawn Angelica Blaze
Dawn Likes Twitter ✓ @DawnLikesTwitter Yesterday, I went to the park. I wanted to watch the ducks. Some filly was feeding them fucking white bread. Her parents were literally watching her poison the ... View More
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Dawn Angelica Blaze
Dawn Angelica Blaze ✓ @DawnLikesTwitter I met this cute stallion just the other day. Real gentlepony, a legitimately good soul. Not at the bar this time, ladies. I was touched by his music, playing a... View More
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Bright Brave
I thought about joining Pony X. Oh wait....
Like September 2, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
Sprouting Bulb @ColortaturaFan1500 Agreed but why are you paying for Pony Twitter
Like September 2, 2024
Dawn Angelica Blaze
Dawn Angelica Blaze ✓ @DawnLikesTwitter I'm just special like that.
Like September 2, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprouting Bulb @ColoraturaFan1500 this mf pays for pony twitter lmao
Like September 2, 2024
Bright Brave
Dawn Blaze. Misty. Yall fired.
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Dawn Angelica Blaze
"God, I've been waiting for this pink slip for AGES! Sayonara, assholes!" Says Dawn, tossing her slip to the side and waltzing out with style.
Like August 31, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Dawn Angelica Blaze
"So, I'm at the bar, you know?" Asks Dawn, blowing a strand of mane out of her face. "And there's this asshole that keeps begging everyone for a smoke. I swear, he had to have been black-out drunk." S... View More
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Captain Sky N Nova
Sky who had been giving this girl that look of 'who is this person and why are they talking to me' for the minute or so it took her to tell that story, would shrug as he finished off his own drink. "Well if you must know, not really. For once I'm wishing something would happen just so I'd have somet... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Dawn Angelica Blaze
Dawn shifts minutely on the park bench, obnoxiously slurping the rest of her smoothie in an attempt to convince the last few drops into her stomach. "Shame. Life's a snore sometimes, ain't it? Most excitement I get is, again, at the bar, and that's not really saying much. Bar fights are the worst..... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Captain Sky N Nova
"....screw it not like I have anything better to do." Sky would give her a shrug, tossing the empty soda bottle he had just finished off as well then stretching out and standing up to his full height. "Can't promise I'd be a good wing though, get the feeling we are after entirely different things in... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Nar Yakushi
"The Tex-Mex place I go to all the time just got a new menu item, and it's the bomb." Nar takes a deep breath, before launching into an intense food rant. "It's like nachos bellgrande, but instead of sour cream, they put their house 'pepper cream' on it. Same consistency as sour cream, but made with... View More
Like August 31, 2024
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Nar Yakushi
"Oh yeah. You can find our stuff pretty much anywhere. Just look up 'Attack on Mango', and you can find pretty much all of our stuff on most music streaming sites, and stuff. 3 Albums, and a few singles, but it's more like 2 albums. Our first album is in licensing limbo right now, so it can't legall... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Dawn Angelica Blaze
Dawn listens intently to Nar as he speaks of his band, an eyebrow raised in intrigue, a faint smile at the name 'Attack on Mango'. This person she's speaking with appears as such a genuine, gentle soul - she can't help but find a fondness for the fellow developing with such speed. "I'll make sure t... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Nar Yakushi
With a short kick, Nar takes the lead, beginning their stroll to who knows where. He mostly keeps his focus forward, as to avoid any obstacles, or other pedestrians, but he makes sure to turn his head every so often when speaking. You are supposed to look someone in the eyes when you talk to them af... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Yearling Writer
This had been Yearling's first time in Manehattan. Going from a forest to a small life in Ponyville hadn't prepared him for this place in the slightest. Several times now he had almost been hit by a carriage, and worse than that, he'd only been here for half an hour. He let out a sigh as he listened... View More
Like August 31, 2024
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Yearling Writer
"J-Just visiting" He said, a bit thrown off by the flurry of questions. A very talkative mare indeed. One thing he still had a bit of trouble with was socializing outside of the group of ponies he already knew, and most of them he had to know by force. His thoughts seemed to run at a snails pace wh... View More
Like August 31, 2024 Edited
Dawn Angelica Blaze
"Ah, a visitor, then! Wonderful.. This city can be rough around the edges at times, not everypony's all that kind, as I know I am. Most strangers would just pass you by, and this city needs a bit of love to it. That's why I'm here!" The unicorn mare smiles. "Here for a friend, hmm? Well, let me te... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Yearling Writer
Yearling had looked over to her, his eye focusing on her while several thoughts ran through his head. Perhaps he had been surprised by how nice she was. Maybe he admired how she was so willing to act as a change in Manehattan. Maybe he was grateful to have someone so friendly helping him through thi... View More
Like August 31, 2024
Peach plum
“That sounds awfully terrible missy! Hope the slugger won’t give you more fright. Delightful story you told me as ah was passing by. Fraid ah must be heading on, peaches won’t sale themselves ya see. There’s always hungry folk around, and ahm expanding my peaches to this city.”
Like August 31, 2024
Dawn Angelica Blaze
"Ah, a peach grower! Wonderful fruit, that is. I wish you the best of luck on your journeys, ma'am. Surely your plans will work out, if you stick to it. This city hasn't nearly enough fruit in it, asides from the health food store. Quality fruits, that is. But ah, I apologize, I'll let you go. Have ... View More
Like August 31, 2024
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