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Quick Buck

Annoying hors

Female. Lives in Bronxo,  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on May 4
Earth pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Roleplay Universe
See: Freindship letter: the Unity
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
The Castle
173 Members

Status Update

Quick Buck
Leslie, the Arrogant Asshole, has decided that you, yes you, should be challeneging her to something. She insists its your choice as to what the challenge is. How will you beat her?
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"What if I were to decline?"
Like December 21, 2021
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While Hawk took his place on the opposite end, seating his foreleg to lock hooves with hers and readying himself for whatever would come next. He was no idiot, however, he knew Earth ponies were physically strong as hell.
Like December 21, 2021
Quick Buck
This one however, was perhaps abnormally strong. be it some sort of inherint strength doubled, or perhaps she just worked out alot. whats more likely is that she just had no fear. When she started of of the gate, it was a complete whallop, she was impressively strong, and it would take a helluva lot... View More
Like December 21, 2021
Still took him by surprise as he was sent through the table like the keyboard of an angry gamer, but nothing was hurt, as he had no care for something as weak as pride. "Good on you, let me buy you a drink." he chimed in with his almost dead-on-the-inside, bored, calm and collected tone of voice.
Like December 21, 2021
Icy Creation
"Are you actually /asking/ for an investor's competition against /me/? Even some of my less impressive designs could blow anything you might dream up out of the water!" She would never be so prideful in her own technology, but she had a bit of rarely-accesed competitive spirit riled up by the challe... View More
Like December 22, 2021
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
It's a surprise you're really challenging me at all. Besides. I'm probably better than you at anything and everything. Like... surviving SCP-682. Or being good at piloting a Warframe.
Like December 22, 2021
Yeah challenging a goddess like myself isn't a good idea.
Like December 22, 2021