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Doctor Glimmering Rays
The nerd steals all your ramen noodles for herself. Despite the fact it would have been easier to just go outside and get some.
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Polo Fastter
Sivanro was looking at the pantry empty of his ramen that he just got a few days ago. "What freak steals all that ramen?" He asked while Sheep was chewing on carpet.
Like February 2, 2023
Doctor Glimmering Rays
She is furiously clawing at the packet trying to tear it open.
Like February 2, 2023
Polo Fastter
The flavor is shrimp.
Like February 3, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Question... Why would you steal Chai's ramen noodles here.
Like February 2, 2023
Doctor Glimmering Rays
She would steal it again.
Like February 2, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*Chai would form his junk guitar in anger.* Hold on, Chai. *I hold my hoof up.* Here, lemme give you something better. *I hold out a ramen burger.* Don't steal. Have this instead.
Like February 2, 2023
The Ghostling would've in return, Stole all of her book's and was reading them upside down... still wish He knew what He was even reading!
Like February 3, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I would invite the doctor to the HQ for a tour of my ship.*
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Doctor Glimmering Rays
She begins her day by quietly "borrowing" all of your books!
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Icy Creation
Many of them are illegal, restricted, /dangerous/. One of them is perfectly clean and preserved by a temporal reversal spell carved into the inside of the back cover. Written in an ancient hippogriff language and with translation notes between the lines, it seems to be research on a kind of sigil-ba... View More
Like January 21, 2023
Doctor Glimmering Rays
She Squiggled down all she could from all this magic learning! Luckily she knew of the perfecct vessel for this, as well as examples of it being used! She yanked out a Crystal mined out of the Crystal empire, Borne of Somnnbras maggic, these crystals were no more than waste to the crystal ponies!... View More
Like January 21, 2023
Ghost's "Book" Collection comprised some stories that had a pony with a monkey tail who landed from a pod and hit their head making them forget they were a alien pony and later learnt karate and going on a adventure around the world with a group of Friend's he slowly Make's along the way... At this... View More
Like January 21, 2023
Doctor Glimmering Rays
She kept the books, beleiving them to be some spiritual guidance of some Monkey King, whatever that meant!
Like January 21, 2023
"OI!, WHAT'CHA DOIN WITH MY BOOK'S!?" He'd scream from the distance behind the Doktor
Like January 21, 2023
Eightbit (changeling #33147)
She gets a lot of video game magazines, and one journal hidden behind them telling about eights journey after abandoning the changeling horde
Like January 21, 2023
Doctor Glimmering Rays
She reads the magazines and falls in love with Gordon Freepony. Those sleek muscles, the contours on the HEV suit, the gotee combined with those thick frames... and that phd in theoretical physics! She swooned!
Like January 22, 2023
Eightbit (changeling #33147)
Eight steals his journal back whilst the doctor is distracted by the game mags
Like January 22, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would ride on the back of a large tortiose. Upon arriving, he would wave and smile to the newcomer. Stepping down, he would bow to the creature.* Honor and Peace to you. Welcome to this wond... View More
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Doctor Glimmering Rays
I have been blessed by the nitroux. I am officially in CA.
Like January 21, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait what?
Like January 21, 2023
Doctor Glimmering Rays
Blessed be the green pone who grants entry to CA.
Like January 21, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Okay, this is new....
Like January 21, 2023
, after her very frightening meeting with was very much glad that all the legalese and the fancy wordsmithing was done. #rp she was no wordsmith, in fact she had no i... View More
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Lord Somber
"Yknow? I dare say that's the most excited and happy the King has been in any business meeting and negotiation. Normally he finds the acts of business talk, contracts, favors, and any form of political practice exhausting and boring. But this time? He seemed to enjoy it. Probably because of the comp... View More
Like January 18, 2023
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Doctor Glimmering Rays
As she and the others would drink the potions, the doors would open, revealing a substantial facility. Researchers around her were testing new devices. She could see magic being forged from what seemed to be an artificial source. Wings being tested, though it was clear these are artificial. This amo... View More
Like February 28, 2023
Lord Somber
"What made Arcane not a contender as an alternative power source in reproduction?" Diana would ask as she was done observing everything they seemed to pass. "Arcane may be....questionable in terms of controllable, but any decent mage can at least convert such magics for project like this. I'm only a... View More
Like March 3, 2023
Doctor Glimmering Rays
"First it is illegal. Including in testing." He would state. "We arent a government entity, so us conducting testing with it, much less selling it on the market, with the government itself as a buyer, it could put us in legal trouble." "Imagine again free and easy access to arcane. This is not a gr... View More
Like March 3, 2023
Hey if princess Luna turn into Nightmare Moon when she go evil what does King Artemis turn into if that happens to him ?
Like January 29, 2023
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