
Fates Judgment
Johsuas training was progressing inside Flam mirror world. Everyday he trained hard, everyday he was beaten and bruised and so were his chosen comrades. Little by little they began to understand the p... View More
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The Roundel was quite the facility as Elizabeth would get to know it. Operations and simultaneous strikes precise and coordinated with such precision and timing all to make it all appear more chaotic ... View More
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She smiles but it falters slightly, "Its a sweet sentiment... bittersweet as I think of how many friends we will lose on the way to such a world," she says feeling more tears fall, she then pulls away and wipes her tears
"Oh if Autumn saw me like this she would lecture me for days about how a queen... View More
February 21, 2025
"Weve all lost." Flam put a hoof on her shoulder, his brows slightly mournful. "You know i lost my entire family that day. Everypony I ever loved was gone after the city fell. And you know what the first thing i did was? I didnt try to formulate a plan, didnt issue war orders, didnt even shout in an... View More
February 24, 2025
She turns to him, her lip quivering slightly, she has tried so hard to hold it in, to keep her mind sharp and focused, but the more she tried, the more it hurt. She then moves closer to him burying her face in his shoulder as she begins to cry. Her silent sobs soon become louder as she begins to let... View More
February 25, 2025
"I have been quiet for a while, the ship was fine of course but, I just feel dead. Wish that I told Sivanro about people but, too late to turn back now. "
Polo was alone on the ship as people were in... View More
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As he walked by the creatures on board would stand and salute him as he passed by.
"Captain" they would say and salute then return to their work, on that ship, he was the highest authority, if he wanted to speak to someone higher he could go to a general or even the queen.
February 13, 2025
"Okay, we have different issues to address then, first one is are they sending their scouts with weapons or attacking force?"
He started up the hologram with the ships that are known.
"If they are only sending scouts, then we might need to leave the planet, but if they are the war vessels, then we... View More
February 16, 2025
"As far as we can tell, this seems to be more than just scouts but not their entire armada, it is possible that they are testing our defenses sir," one of the crew members sitting at a monitor says
"Its a good plan sir but perhaps we should wait for their main force to arrive for that, should we re... View More
February 17, 2025
"As long as we don't decide to use full force on their small fleet, we will have a better chance to attack where their base is located."
He would sit down at the hologram.
"Do we have enough defense to handle their full attack"
February 17, 2025
*We would be cloaked outside the battlefield awaiting orders from either Flam or Elizabeth. My hands would eagerly tap the handles of the pilot seat.* #rp
(Just a little something so don't Necro-post)
Angel stared at the Guards in front of him, Not surprised by them but towards why Breezies were In the White-tail woods.
Angel had some questions to ask... View More
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"About my Owner. The...Monarch. I- "Ghost had to stop himself, If he let himself get consumed by his goal then He might cause a big mess of things so He took a few deep breaths. " Don't really care about the Whitetail woods secret, Besides... I was in the Butterfly Society as a new member."
October 4, 2024
(This is outside of the current storyline, not canon.)
*Me and my friends would be on a battlefield taking on Nega Stickbot Alpha and his robotic minions out in a remote area of Equestria. He had lau... View More
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After that long conversation she had with Flam, Elizabeth took some time to cool off. She must begin Joshuas training at once but Flam wants to use him to battle Gabriel, even though he is weakened he... View More
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(Wait a minute, huh? Battle above? Did I miss a few steps?)
September 25, 2024
(So... where am I rn? Trying to gage where tf I am)
September 25, 2024
(Oh, I know that. I'm well aware of the events. I'm talking about like... in the present. Am I up there with my friends fighting against the scout party? Or are we... still divising a plan with Elizabeth)
Flam had remained in Monoros for the time being, despite the heated tensions just beyond the gate. Flam trotted inside. She could notice a slight stagger to one of his hooves, one that, oddly enough was covered up.
It was the same hoof that he once used against her.
Flam was clearly sick. And ev... View More
September 25, 2024
She looked them over, they seemed smaller than they would if they stayed in Monros, though it was clear she did not look upon them with happiness.
"Though you breathe... your clans have marked you as traitors and to them you are like ghosts, dead whose names will never join their ancestors," she t... View More
October 18, 2024
"With all due respect." One of them would start. "The clans we left do not define us. We may have been once the creatures of the forest, bound to clans for our own safety Owned by masters. The strong controlled those less fortunate.
With Knights reign came growth, which came with it Enlightenment... View More
October 18, 2024
She smiles, "Perhaps," she says with a sigh, "But you are too young to understand your roles, as once having been the new generation your role was to guide the clans into even greater heights, this is the reason Knight and I never intervened in how clans governed themselves, it was up to you who saw... View More
*I would be in the Stickman HQ, performing maintenance on my Warframes, awaiting orders from Elizabeth.* Let's see here... Ah, ut seems Xaku here needs some more tuning. Their ability to slow down tim... View More
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