Earth Pony
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Nitroxus Soulspins Java Jolt
*Nitroxus floated down to the ground from the air with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"I'm sorry. what was that?" the small coffee pony asked with a tone of mild confusion "star whosit? that's one of those nunui nunui coffee companies right?" as she asked thie she shook her head "you k... View More
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"But all my friends from Canterlot told me they were the best!" She whined, overpriced coffee cup held aloft in her magic. "You mean to tell me that ponies would just, come up and lie to me? They would do that?"
July 14, 2023
"no, not that they lie. Just that they don't know better coffee because large corporations eirther swallow or bankrupt any small business that might compete while sacrificing quality and increasing prices for their profits...I'll admit some ponies like that place for reasons I don't understand...but... View More
July 15, 2023
Early morning, perfect, especially since it was warm and dry. Java Jolt could be found wondering the streets of Cantetlot sipping at a cup of coffee while humming something to herself, only occasional... View More
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Java would reward the two new comers before returning to focusing on the sun rose the song returning to her mind before a few words escaped into the air "look above the horizon, see the sun shining through", she sang more to herself than anyone "if you keep on trucking, don't stop believing maybe th... View More
July 14, 2023
*Night Rose listens carefully at the song, hearing jolts voice sounding sad*
July 15, 2023
*Nitroxus would ride on the back of a large tortoise. Upon arriving, he would wave and smile to the newcomer. Stepping down, he would bow to the creature.* Honor and Peace to you. Welcome to this wond... View More
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With the opening of her new coffee shop in canterlot Java would soon be quite busy. Opening the door now fir the first time since finishing the clean up and renovations the earth pony took a breath in... View More
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Moments later, Zeboro would enter the new coffee shop, looking around.
July 10, 2023
Knight may not look it but he loves coffee, but ever since the diner he used to go to closed down he hasnt been able to find a new place to relax with a nice cup of coffee.
With the opening of a new coffee shop he was curious to see what kind of place it would be so before his morning duties he wen... View More
July 11, 2023
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Earth Pony