Earth pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Me or the pony?... the pony is a drunk mercenary from the blade of islands. Fillypines.
Roleplay Universe
He gets usually eaten by wormholes so he can be in any.
User Achievements

Nitroxus Soulspins Kuya
*Nitroxus would explode out of your mailbox, with a gasp. He then smiled to the pony. He then presented the large gift to them.* Happy Birthday to you!
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kuya wakes up in the middle of a school field, being stared by the students there.
" canteen.... Where the hell is it?... Can anyone point me to where the canteen is?"
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"I thought we said we'd meet at the cafeteria, Mr. Kuya" said an annoyed Petricor, staring with dagger eyes at the ex-merc. Then, he pulled Kuya by the mane, all the way to the cafeteria. The students were whispering gossip. "The science teacher is really scary..." one of them would say "I heard he ... View More
October 16, 2023
".....can anyone lend me a weapon?" He asked.
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A drunk stallion walks lazily to the bar, grabbing everyones attention due to his rude presence.
He looked worn out and beaten. His armor, whats left of it that is, is just some worn out pieces of... View More
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An hour later, Petricor was finally at the cafeteria, waiting for Kuya to show up.
"Why would you put your job at peril for a random bozo?" a distorted voice would whisper to Petricor. "Since when do you worry about me?" he asked back with a chuckle. "I can't let my vessel get his flank kicked out j... View More
Suddenly a... /Strange/ stallion, is sitting next to him. In a separate continuity from Petri's interaction, obviously. The bartender immediately notices the newcomer over Kuya's question, and glares hatefully.
Light looks over to K and smiles. "You won't get any jobs from that idiot. Not that he i... View More
October 15, 2023
"...... You must be bored." The stallion soberly answered.
" You got a job fer me? Usually ponys hire me to kill your type of trouble.... But getting hired by you ponys? Now thats a first hehe." He then tried to drink from a mug that is empty.
"..... You shouldve let the barkeep pour me sometin fir... View More
He shakes his head, "I don't have a job for you personally, mate." Thinking, "Technically I guess we'd be competition, but..." Looking over K for a moment, "I don't think you run in the same circles as I do. You don't seem the high-profile type."
Tapping the counter with his hoof idly while he trie... View More
October 16, 2023
Nodding, he shakes K's hoof.
Another Light appears next to the bartender, whispering in their ear to a quickly dawning expression of horror. The original Light, "You'll have free drinks here for a while. This guy's on a leash until I get bored of fucking with him and actually go take care of his con... View More
October 16, 2023
The stallion was shocked at what he said and blurted out accidentally the words he might regret later.
" Pfftt... You're GAY!?... oh sorry. You don't mean literally fucking the guy right? ..... Not that i have anything against.... You? Them right?"
He then looks around. And asked the bartender.
" we... View More
October 16, 2023
Blinking, he processed a moment, before thinking another moment. And then bursting into laughter.
It takes five full minutes before he composes himself, and shakes hid head. "I'm not gay, mate. I might not be..." Thinking a moment, "Entirely, certain on my gender, but I know I like mares, ay? No, a... View More
October 16, 2023
*Nitroxus would deliver himself in a gift box in front of the creature and explode from it. With a bow, he would smile to them.* Hello and Welcome this magical place! I hope you enjoy it here!
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The drunk pony was shocked at the exploding box. he'd clumsily drop and hit his bum.
A quick rub on his rump and looks at the strange stallion. " ....what the hay was that for?" The drunk asked.
" well thanks for sobering me up.... so you're telling me you've been in this box this whole time?.... ... View More
October 15, 2023
Oh, I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are? And don't worry about the box, its not like I been in there for longer than an hour. Wait, hold on. *Nitroxus would crack his spine.* Ah...that feels better~
So, how are you doing today? Looks like you need a solid night of sleep.
//Woah, I'm glad that you rep... View More
October 15, 2023
//Its all good.
Um, I don't drink and thank you for the birthday wishes.
Special Badges
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Gamer, Artist, Musician, Roleplayer, Techie
Earth pony