Earth Pony
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A stranger to Ponyville, who appears to be well adapted to life in the Everfree Forest.
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Sage’s eyes focus on the oddly colored crystals Dragonfly procures for their journey, and seems to be shaken from a deep trail of thought once the odd Pegasus is ready to go. “Oh, right,” he mutters, ... View More
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"I can imagine!" Following along with a slight little flutter of her wings, putting one to the gem at her neck, her attitude at the coming journey mirrors a foal's drawing of the sun. "Nice to meet you Sage Brush! Do you mind if I just call you Sage? Brush sounds like I'd comb my tail with you!" She... View More
February 9, 2025

Sage Brush
Sage smiles and tosses his mane “Yeah, Sage is fine,” he snorts, glancing back at his tail “Can’t remember the last time I’ve brushed my hair properly now that you mention it.”
While looking back he sees Dragonfly looking at the sunflowers. “Don’t worry about the sun, it will still be there even if ... View More
February 10, 2025

Following behind as they get closer and closer to the forest, her demeanor softly changes. Despite the excited smile on her face and the gleam still in her eyes, she's lost her bouncy energy. Ears swiveling towards every tiny sound, and feathers shuffling against each-other with the faintest of elec... View More
February 12, 2025
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Sage is examining somepony’s curbside garden. “Intriguing, I thought these only grew in the Everfree…” he mumbles to himself. Looking left and right first, he seems prepared to snip a small sample whe... View More
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Sweet Muffin trots over to sniff one of the carnations in the curbside garden "mmm~! these will be perfect in the bouquet!" she said , gently placing her hoof under the bud of the flower..."Storm Fall will look just as gorgeous as these" she muttered to herself...clearly paying no attention to sage.... View More
January 13, 2025
she looked at him " seem I know we just met each other but would you like to stop by sugar cube corner? im an employee there and can get you some free treats." she smiled, she was clearly interested to be friends with this stallion.
January 13, 2025
He tilts his head as if remembering a distant memory, one of his grass stained hooves touching his chin gingerly “hmm, a sugary treat does sound quite nice…” he ponders out loud “… I suppose I should take you up on that offer, but you’ve already been kind enough to share some of your flowers with me... View More
January 13, 2025
"oh! that would...actually be nice, thank you!" she said with a gentle smile.
January 14, 2025
Standing beside Sage was Sprouting Bulb, also known as Ponyville's local pop star, Spinneret. She was the owner of the house. She'd finally upgraded from hotel room to apartment to actual house, truly moving up in the world.
"I believe it's customary to ask before picking somepony else's... View More
January 13, 2025
Sprout nodded. "You up to anythin else today? Or are these the last hedges you have to prune?"
January 13, 2025
“Oh…” Sage hums, looking at the plants, as if he had forgotten that he was tending to them “… I suppose I got an invitation to enjoy a sweet treat at the sugar cube corner that I’d be a fool to pass up. What about you, have any shows coming up?”
January 13, 2025
Sprout shook her head. "Nothing this week. And, uh...tell Pinkie I said hi."
January 14, 2025
A sound of sparking electricity comes from a cloud overhead that is definitely not producing lightning. The source quickly revealed when a golden ruby-maned head pops out over the side, irises made of lapis lazuli wide in curiosity. "Mushrooms like those grow in the Everfree!? I didn't know anywhere... View More
Shaking her head, she reaches into her mane with an upper wing. Eyes changing from lapis lazuli to actual, normal purple irises. "I just know what I remember from a few flings with Soilists back home!" Pulling out a tiny brown bag tied with a string, "Plants on the surface are generally non-magical,... View More
With a feeble hoof, he accepts the small satchel of rate spores and beholds it with awe. “You really know the secrets of working with this kind of mushroom?” He asks with a dulled sense of wonder to his voice. “That’s… really exceptional!”
The stallion carefully places the little bag of rare spores ... View More
January 15, 2025
Shrugging her upper wings, "No secret, really! They're like..." A moments pause as she tries to think of plants she's seen up on the surface. More than a moment. Multiple moments, in fact! Her eyes nearly drift into crossing before she shakes her head, "They're really simple! I can't really think of... View More
In a dark alley, there is a shadowy figure. "Psst!" he hissed. "Hey colt, want some marjoram?"
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"I suppose everypony's gotta start somewhere." the stranger grumbles softly to himself, looking at what appeared to be the market area of Ponyville. He reaches back to one of his travel baskets and wh... View More
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"What's that smell?" Aspen looked around curiously before following the scent.
"Hmhm..." comes a soft, jovial chuckle. "... that is a generous offer, but I may be here most of the day..." he explains delicately, adding with a serious tone "But if someone is unwell I can absolutely make home calls."
August 28, 2023
"hmm.." Looks around curiously before pretending to cough loudly
August 28, 2023
"Sore throat? You might want to give this tea a try!" the merchant pipes up, digging a jar of fluffy tea out of a basket. "Sweetroot, and chamomille, enjoy with a spoonful of honey."
August 28, 2023
Silverspark:A teenage filly would be walking in the village today with her saddlebag thought to pick up somethings for the house she stopped for a non to see a stand that sell elHerbs she knows sonepony who could use a restock on a bunch so this filly walked up to Sage's stand curious what he has
"Well, I suppose if there were a good enough bounty I'd maybe take a look around. But I'd probably prefer to leave Everfree's treasures alone unless someone gets real sick." he explains, tucking some of his bundles and jars securely into their basket.
August 28, 2023
Sil erspark:"you wanna join me fir lunch ? I am suppose to meet my mom and sister at the local Cafe I am sure they won't mind if I bring a new friend along "she said
August 28, 2023
"Hmm... I didn't really have plans for lunch, and I suppose I can't very well turn down lunch with Alicorns... but... I'm afraid I would be quite a bore." he admits, covering his mouth with a moss-stained hoof.
August 28, 2023
"Whatcha smokin, buddy?" Sprout asked from behind him. "Smells too good to be legal."
August 28, 2023
"Maybe...maybe..." She thought for a bit. "Well, it was nice meetin you, Sage!"
August 28, 2023
"Likewise, Spinneret" he lilts dreamily before shuffling and organizing his bottles and jars again in their rightful places.
August 28, 2023
She trotted off to harass more ponies running stands, changing back into her pegasus form.
August 28, 2023
*Nitroxus would ride on the back of a large tortoise. Upon arriving, he would wave and smile to the newcomer. Stepping down, he would bow to the creature.* Honor and Peace to you. Welcome to this wond... View More
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"Oh, nice to meet you..." Sage stoops down to look into the mount's eyes after greeting the pony. He seems to be locked in a staring contest with the tortoise that he eventually loses. "I'll have to see what's around."
August 27, 2023
I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and this is Speedy, he is 79 years young. *The tortiose didn't blink during the staring contest, yet it did go back to munching on the grass.* So, who are you by the way?
August 27, 2023
"Sage Brush..." he mutters, watching the tortoise much on some grass. "It was nice meeting you Nitroxus."
August 27, 2023
Its a pleasure to meet you Sage. So, how may I help you today?
August 28, 2023
"What a lovely little village... I wonder if they have all the poultices and potions they'll need?"
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Earth Pony