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Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on December 12, 1990
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus spun his tail like it was a propeller and floated over the pony. He landed on the ground by the pony with a smile. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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After a long, dangerous descent into a dungeon below avoiding all manner of traps and creepy crawlers, the hard work was rewarded with a large chest! Its lid was shut, but surely a chest of such size ... View More
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The knight has offered his service to you, promising to follow at your side and help you pass any strength checks you may encounter. #rp
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Shifter Burnside
Like May 10, 2024
The knight gave a simple bow of his head.
Like May 10, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
I see no reason to reject your services especially an from undead such as yourself. I'd be glad to accept your companionship.
Like May 10, 2024
The knights head swivelled suddenly. “Undead? Hmph..” He scoffed. “I haven’t died yet, and I’m nowhere near ready.”
Like May 13, 2024 Edited
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Ah my apologies. I've gotten quite used to seeing beings like yourself die quite a lot so it's rare to meet one still alive. No offense of course.
Like May 23, 2024
The knight stood tall wearing a concealed look of pride beneath his helm. His armour was beaten and dirtied, but he seemed in high spirits regardless! He’d present to you a gift he was hiding behind h... View More
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The Outsider
"So that's why I heard George screaming bloody murder! You went and killed the lad, huh?" Despite those words, Zerathur shows no sign of surprise as he carefully lifts the potted flower with his psionics. "He was a bit of an arse for holding Melgwen hostage, thank you for solving that situation for ... View More
Like May 5, 2024
“I-…” The knight began but stopped before the words finished coming out, his brows lifting as his expression shifted beneath his helm to that of confusion and surprise. He watched on in wonder as the pot was gently hoisted from his hold, slowly lowering his armoured hoof to the ground before speakin... View More
Like May 5, 2024
Bright Brave
Like May 5, 2024
"Hungry?" The towering knight spoke from beneath his helm, looking down at you with a subtle tilt of his head. "I made soup. It's still hot." He said as he lifted up and presented a small bowl seated ... View More
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Caurus trembled at the armored giant, bigger than the other giants she'd seen around. Her little breezie body was filled with fear as she cautiously eyed the soup. She could use some food, but...
Like March 28, 2024
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Caurus looked at the spoon, then back at Drifter. "I breezie. You use spoon, hold soup, I drink spoon, please?"
Like March 28, 2024
“I Kane.” He announced in return as he lifted his hoof to rest against his armoured chest. His eyes would shift and follow Caurus’ to the spoon, his hoof lowering as a quiet grumble left him. He wasn’t too thrilled on the idea of feeding another, but… With a muffled sigh, he leaned forward and low... View More
Like March 29, 2024
Caurus blew on the soup before slurping it up, a smile growing on her face as she did. It was nice and warm, just what she needed after a winter spent stuck in Equestria. Her tongue was scalded a bit, but it was a small price to pay for a delicious soup.
Like March 29, 2024
Dusty Trails
If there was one thing Dusty has learned growing up in Appaloosa, it's that if someone offers you food, you take it. If there was one thing Dusty's learned from being a ranger, it's that fresh meals are a commodity. So, as far as Dusty was concerned, there was absolutely no way he could turn this of... View More
Like March 28, 2024
“Don’t mention it.” The knight calmly dismissed with a simple nod of his head. Travelling alone came with its list of dangers and risks and the knight merely wished to offer a safe space for one to rest before carrying on their way. Using his hoof he tilted his helmet back, just enough to sneak th... View More
Like March 28, 2024
Dusty Trails
Dusty eats a few spoonfuls of the soup as he listens to his host. He gives a nod, and a "Yeah." when he mentions the temperatures. In all honesty, Dusty was surprised this man hadn't just roasted in his armor by now. Now he was curious as to how this stranger had managed such a feat. Once the knigh... View More
Like March 28, 2024
A brief yet comfortable silence fell among the pair, nothing but the sounds of gentle soup slurping. The knight seemed to savour this silence, his eyes busy subtly glancing the other up and down as he described himself as on the few rangers out around these parts. The stallion certainly looked as if... View More
Like March 29, 2024
Phoenix Wind
The red stallion would set his sword aside and take the bowl of soup with a soft smile. He was never one to turn down free food "Thank you. Nothing like warm food after a long day, right?" He'd reply softly. He couldn't deny he needed something to eat. He couldn't just shrug off fights like he could... View More
Like March 28, 2024
The knights eyes tracked the red stallion as he made his way over and collected the bowl of soup to replace his sword with. He was quick to note the signs of battle upon himself, numerous bruises and scrapes scattered about. Much like himself he lacked any emblems or insignias to declare his allegia... View More
Like March 29, 2024
Phoenix Wind
Phoenix did seem to travel light. Just a few bags and his sword. He powered down the bowl of soup pretty quickly. Obviously he had been hungry "Bit of both. Sometimes trouble finds you because you're being an idiot" He'd give a shrug "It's not too bad though" He'd say with a slight smirk "At least I... View More
Like March 29, 2024 Edited
Little Leaf
Food... Something the healer often neglected until anemia or hunger pangs struck, all by then well beyond a healthy point. She raised her head to glance at the knight, then locking onto soup he presented. A sniffle afterwards made it irresistible even with her arguably stubborn mental resilience to... View More
Like March 28, 2024
The knight stared down towards the mare in silence, a look of curiosity dancing behind his dark eyes. He said nothing more for a moment, his arm remaining outstretched with offering as he awaited the mare to make up her mind, not wishing to press or pry on the matter. He studied her face closely as ... View More
Like March 29, 2024
Little Leaf
The warmth that filled her between sips brought an immediate sense of relaxation, tense shoulders and hooves growing slack from whatever kept them stiff. A soft sigh escaped her mouth, eyes softening from a constant vigilant watch. She looked over to the pot, deciding on whether she could stomach mo... View More
Like March 29, 2024
The knight stood upon an old, rickety dock that softly creaked and groaned as wind-driven waves from the lake sloshed up against its thick, wooden supports. The dock was partially falling apart as its... View More
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The recent weeks had been busy and quite adventurous for the knight, leaving him worn out and needing that much needed rest at last. After a lengthy workout utilizing weaponry and weights, there was o... View More
“Hmm…” A quiet noise of thought came from beneath the stallions helm, his eyes peering down through the metallic slits to study a creased, sun bleached map. A bright red ‘X’ was slashed into a mountai... View More
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Drifter’s journey was meant to be a ‘solo’ adventure, and yet he had unknowingly caught someone’s or something’s attention… Seir, who often grew bored of his usual surroundings, liked to exploit his ability of traveling the world like the air. It was during one of his travels that he had crossed D... View More
Like March 11, 2024
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The deflection of the knights question made him quietly grunt in response beneath his helmet, perhaps unsatisfied with such an answer but the stranger did have a point. However long he’s been following him he only now decided to make himself known, and if he wished to do harm surely it would’ve been... View More
Like March 13, 2024
In contrast to the knight, Seir was lithe even for a regular stallion. Perhaps because the weight of the world didn’t weight on him; he was a spirit of air and relied exclusively on magic for power. “...What other soul?” the demon challenged, obviously the other couldn’t have meant that literally, b... View More
Like March 14, 2024
The helm of the knight subtly tilted at the strangers challenge, a small little smirk tugging at the corner of his lips managing to crack his stoic and stone-like exterior. Of course it was concealed behind his protective helmet, but there nonetheless! “Hm. I suppose you’re right.” He’d add, washing... View More
Like March 14, 2024 Edited
The knight stood at the top of a long, outstretched and gently winding hill. Recent snowfall had covered the lands in a powdery layer of snow, making traversal all the more difficult. He’d grunt quiet... View More
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Lightning Stanza
Lightning was standing next to Drifter as he mentions about getting on the shield, her shivering a bit at the idea of it. "Are you serious? I may be one to take on many challenges, but trying to sled down a hill will not go well. I'm going to faceplant and get covered in snow!" She stated as she sh... View More
Like January 24, 2024 Edited
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The pair rapidly picked up speed as they began to zoom down the long, gently winding slope. Snow kicked up on their sides and behind them, leaving behind an indented trail behind them. The cool air nipped at his exposed face, ruffling his fur and messy mane. Hearing her muffled scream beneath the he... View More
Like January 24, 2024
Lightning Stanza
Once the mare let her nerves calm down some more and her breathing slow, she then looked back and up to Drifter whilst also stepping off the shield, seemingly much more calm now that the event is over. "Yeah, well, it's not quite on my bucket list to die just yet, so perhaps I should try in the mom... View More
Like January 25, 2024
Once the mare had rose to her hooves the knight reached down and picked up the large shield from the powdery snow. He flipped it around in his grip and used his hoof to swipe off some of the snow stuck to it, revealing the scratched up and worn surface beneath it. He slid his arms through the leathe... View More
Like January 25, 2024
“You!” The towering knights deep voice boomed out beneath his helmet as he thrust his armoured hoof towards your chest, staring down at you intensely through the slit in his helm… “Allow me.” His h... View More
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"Are. You. Kidding. Me." He said as a Swarm of Parasprite's flown out of the Jar He fought tooth and bone to Reclose. "Nope, Your problem now! " Ghost exclaimed before Grumbling and sitting down on the ground, Looking very grumpy now!
Like January 19, 2024
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The knight could see the frustration upon the stranger, frustration he had accidentally caused. He hummed quietly to himself in thought, standing straight and tall once again. “I see. Then I shall right what’s wrong. Do you wish to accompany me, or do you prefer to sit and sulk?”
Like January 19, 2024
"Heck yes I wanna!" He soon hopped onto his 2 feet with a smile on his Face, Quickly picking up the Jar He had earlier.
Like January 19, 2024
“You lead. I’ll follow.” The knight instructed, gesturing with his hoof as the stranger hopped up onto his two feet. “Might I suggest using a net? I don’t intend on catching these with my hooves..”
Like January 20, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Heh thanks bud *gives it to mirror rainbow* Mirror rainbow:yay
Like January 19, 2024
A quiet grunt left him as he was referred to as ‘bud’, but he mentioned nothing of it. “Don’t mention it.” The knight nodded his head, glancing between the two strangers before he’d begin to move past them.
Like January 19, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
See ya.
Like January 19, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Uhh... thanks. Not sure why you opened my Skull Lantern, but thanks?
Like January 19, 2024
“You don’t need to thank me, I was merely intrigued.”
Like January 19, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
You do realize my Skull Lantern has connections to the Underworld, right? Thankfully, I can close it using my Necromancy powers, but I'd recommend not doing that again please. *I would hold out the open Skull Lantern and use my Necromancy powers to close it.* There we go.
Like January 19, 2024
as the can opened soundwave fled behind a tree, for the can contained tox en, which was deadly to cyberonians. soundwave extended his tentacles with an eeree hiss.
Like January 19, 2024 Edited
For the vine.
Like January 19, 2024
soundwave looked at the knight. even thogh soundwave's face was coverd by a visor he gave off a vibe like: 'yeah your a real hero. thanks.' his tentacles approached the can, which had green fumes coming out of it, then they retracted with a screech.
Like January 19, 2024
Like January 19, 2024
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