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Multiversal Exploration Initiative

N/A. Lives in N/A,  Human World,  Beyond Equestria. Born on May 3, 1971
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Multiversal Exploration Initiative
*With the initial surveys complete, the humans decided it was time to finally reveal themselves and investigate the planet in depth. The human mothership left the edge of the solar system, and touche... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I would be on a nearby rock not far from Mount Aris, binoculars in hands, looking at the strange ship. Skystar was nearby.*
Like May 29, 2024
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
The maximum is 5 star rating
Like May 29, 2024
Multiversal Exploration Initiative
"Hmmm....any tactics you've found successful against him so far?"
Like May 29, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
None yet. And he can't be killed.
Like May 29, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
*Grimrose would meet with them once more* So you've returned..
Like May 29, 2024
Multiversal Exploration Initiative
*After the initial landing, a larger gunship, with a small squad of humans this time, landed somewhat off from the original location, hoping to not encounter the hostile locals prior. This time, there... View More
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
*this time around they're met with Grimrose.* Welcome back humans....
Like May 7, 2024
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Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
I'm aware. But be warned any attempt at hostility in this sacred realm will not be taken lightly... Understood?
Like May 7, 2024
Multiversal Exploration Initiative
"Understood. We are under directives to keep this mission exploratory purely"
Like May 7, 2024
Queen Aurora Grimrose Flash
Very well. Keep it that way else this'll will happen... *As a demonstration of her power over death she simply touches a flower which would immediately wither and die*
Like May 7, 2024 Edited
Tality sneaks aboard their ship for the purpose of gathering intelligence. She is excessively well-versed in shipboard security, and has brought the minimum necessary kit to sleaze past any intrusion countermeasures: Bubble gum, blister tape, three double-A batteries, a coil of copper wire, a paperc... View More
Like May 7, 2024
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"4 billion is nothing." Tality searches the exchanged information for their theories about the structure of the universe, her eyes widen in surprise as she reads and then crumble in disappointment, and she sighs. "The universe is infinite and constantly changing. Nothing exists and yet nothing needs... View More
Like May 9, 2024
Multiversal Exploration Initiative
"At least in that you are correct. Containing you would be impossible....not that we'd like to try. Goodbye, and may Infinity bring you ever closer to fulfillment. " *With that, the humans and their gunship vanished into thin air
Like May 9, 2024 Edited
Tality sighs and walks off, unsure if she made the right choice. Even though the gunship vanished she stopped and turned back to make one thing clear, "just make sure to note for anyone that does feel like coming after me, I forgive a lot of things, but threatening, terrorizing or harming my family ... View More
Like May 9, 2024 Edited
Multiversal Exploration Initiative
(The following interaction is simply to continue the timeline. Realistically other characters in universe would not be aware of this part) *Once the humans had completed their observations, they boarded the gunship and took off to the edge of the star system. There, they returned to their explora... View More
Like May 7, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I would put in a call to their vessel.*
Like May 7, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would see this from behind his window at his bunker. He was sipping on a cup of tea.* Well, this was quite a surprise. Oh well, if I don't move. They probably can't see me.
Like May 9, 2024
Tality burrows in through the concrete. "I can feel your heartbeat from town." She slowly sinks back into the concrete and rebar, putting it back together as she goes, disappearing like Quato under the shirt if his conjoined not-twin.
Like May 10, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
What the fu!
Like May 10, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Multiversal Exploration Initiative
*In an empty field outside of Ponyville, a small silver VTOL aircraft materialized into existence, and touched down on the planet of Equestria. Out of it came two humans "We should establish contact... View More
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"Really?...Two humans? Why again? Why are you back? We told you to stay gone." The voice of a fully armored female Requian super soldier would speak up from their left. The biped creature would be walking towards the two humans and their aircraft sporting what looked like an armored lab coat over he... View More
Like May 4, 2024
A sandy-yellow pony scowled from a distance. "Humans! In MY Equestria!" "...apparently, it's more likely than I'd think." She chuckles to herself, and then groans. "No, no, this won't do. I have to do something." She marches right up to that spacecraft to give them a piece of her mind.
Like May 4, 2024
Their presence would be known, if not immediately, signs would surely be present. A pony would sit back upon their desk as they would undergo a breifing. "And so, as we are aware, an unauthorised rift has occured." He would conclude as he would look at the mages in front of him. ... View More
Like May 5, 2024 Edited
Multiversal Exploration Initiative
*After the rather....strange contacts with several locals, one of which attacked them with a primitive thermonuclear warhead, another of which apparently possessed highly advanced power armour for the world's technological capabilities, and another of which claims herself to be the "Goddess of Life ... View More
Like May 5, 2024 Edited
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Tality is definitely caught off-guard by all the advanced technology on display. "Definitely need to look into that..."
Like May 5, 2024
As time would pass, Black suited ponies would arrive, quietly cleaning up the mess, and reversing any damage to thye forest. The unicorns horns would glow, as if they were gathering information, and still others like earth ponies would be quickly covering up the massive crater, as huge amounts of ... View More
Like May 5, 2024
"...what in the hay is going on here. Well, at least now I'm certain this isn't my home universe. Far too weird..." She'd debate whether or not to follow the earth pony team, then figured they'd probably get in touch on their own once she made orbit for the first time.
Like May 5, 2024
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