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Newmoon Winter

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. 36 years old
Natural born alicorn
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Me as in the IRL me? Well, I'm a digital background artist (eclipsewinterarts on FurAffinity) by trade and have a hand in making the odd YouTube (CRPMedia & CRPMedia2) video as well. I also do 4 streams a week on Kick (newmoon-winter) as well.
Roleplay Universe
Canon (Alternate Universe)
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Ponysquare Refugees
438 Members

Status Update

Newmoon Winter
#rp I waited patiently - okay maybe not so patiently - for my coltfriend to meet me near the overpass of Maretime Bay. "He's not going to show... probably on some expedition again. Geez, Sunny and Hi... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Rain Check peeked out of Newmoon's bag. "'e's takin' 'is sweet time, that's for sure...never was much of a gentlecolt, huh?"
Like March 2, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
"Huh? Oh, hey Rain Check. Yeah. He's focused on his studies like me." I said with a smile.
Like March 2, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
" two really are perfect for each other." She ducked back into the bag as a few ponies walked by.
Like March 2, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Y-yeah. I'm also kind of anxious to hear about how Sunny is doing."
Like March 2, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Shift was just passing by the overpass in a 1982 Marmon COE, in his usual trucker uniform. “Hey, I think I saw your hoss at the caves, shall I give im a piece of yer mind?”
Like March 3, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"No need. If he's in the caves that means he's on one of his research expeditions."
Like March 3, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Oh, okay. I’ll just get on with this delivery. Bye!”
Like March 6, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"See you around."
Like March 6, 2024
Tide Moon:sitting on his mother's back hidden under her cloak has his horn magically hidden so he could stay with Newmoon and also have a father thanks to his older sister Silver marrying Argyle and Newmoon together back at the castle "mom are you sure Dad is coming ?"he asked
Like March 4, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
"I'm quite sure, Moontide. Unless he's gone on an expedition. You know how much he's interested in Equestria's history."
Like March 4, 2024
Tide:"I hope so I don't mind doing all these travels with you especially going between Bridlewood here and to the training grounds and of course that one visit to Canterlot and below the sewers did Silver really had to ask to bring those things to her kingdom's most secured area ?"he looked at Newm... View More
Like March 4, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"You mean Glacial and her three siblings? Yeah. Since magic is gone, the cage they were in was starting to fail, and they had to be moved." I said with a sigh. "You know, you could have Sparks make you a pendant so you can come with me as an earth pony and be able to switch between the two forms." ... View More
Like March 4, 2024