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I'm just trying to be a more social Prince. Not sure how the higher ups are gonna think about this. Ehh....but I mean, I have to have ponies to rely on right?
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No replies for a good while. Grandmother had just passed and I'm just in shock. Saw her less then three weeks ago, good health. Gone today.
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Oh no... that's no good. Sending prayers and keep in touch please.
October 1, 2024
Queen Lesa
*Sending all the hugs*
Family comes first. Take as much time as you need. We'll be here and if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask.
Deeply sorry for your lose. *hugs*
October 1, 2024
Obsilion and others
My condolences.... I'm sorry for your loss...
October 2, 2024
"Hugh....Disgusting. Pointless." Nightmare Night would soon be upon them. And that means a certain King would be in a grouchy mood. How he despises the holiday that everyone loves. Of course the only ... View More
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"Same thing for me. I was Nightmare Moon. I was banish. This holiday was created around that." He explained. "Disrespectful."
"Not a fan either, my King?" Spinneret asked as she approached Artemis. "Yeah, I hate this holiday too. All it does is remind me that ponies still think I'm a mindless monster..."
I plan on hosting a big ol' nightmare night haunt on my world celebrating all things... what the humans in my home world call: Analog Horror. And Angel Gabby's going to be the narrator!
September 30, 2024
Psst. Psst Hey. Yeah you over here. Been cooking up something lately. Something quite character based. Delicious. Maybe something Rp related? Tell me bout it.
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I think Artemis is going to become a pacifist. A Creature of pure heart and Kindness. One that loves all and never ever gets annoyed at others for their, what can be seen as annoying, characteristics.
The usual, mental trauma, and a little band-aid over the mental scarring afterwards. Also, may, or may not have taken some inspiration from Artemis for a character I'm introducing in Nar's current storyline.
Who am I kidding? He's totally inspired by Artemis during his torture phase.
As you know~ Halloween is fast approaching. Once again the Queen is going to try convince her husband in having another party. ;)
Everyday I slip closer and closer to realizing that my Co-worker wouldn't mind a large gash in his car tire one of these days.
My intrusive thoughts are winning. It bout to be demon time at this rat... View More
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*Scoots Skye and Yinu away from Artemis* Back away from the crazy alicorn... *Proceeds to speed dial a mental hospital*
September 3, 2024
Would My Artemis' character work as a Luna you think? Or do you think my character just works too well as Artemis at this point? I'd My Artemis a headcannon for other Artemis? I hope not lol
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I like to think both, As not all version's of a character follow the same path, perhaps one ended up being a Lesa in their world, with Artemis they took a path that led them to being the current Artemis, but perhaps there is another who joined with Somber ? ^^ I nerds.
Also Arty: Into the Arty-Vers... View More
August 31, 2024
Either or could work! Depends on the situation. However, for my universe, I imagine Artemis as the anti-hero you told me about, albeit more of a goofball.
August 31, 2024
Hot take: Mustard is absolutely disgusting and a poor choice for corn dogs. Stick to Ketchup or nothing at all.
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I am sorry for your loss, but mustard is a fantastic condiment. I like to use it on sandwiches, hotdogs and corn dogs alike.
Truly, this is the worst of the king's cruelties. We must oust this pretender with a true king who has a more refined palette.
Mustard is a sign of tyranny and unrest, only reason someone likes mustard