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Rosalyn was found abandoned in the streets by a royal guard when she was only a small filly. He took her in as his own and raised her as best as he could. Growing up, she spent most of her time in the gardens around the castle while her adoptive father was at work. She loved the grace and beauty of the flowers and would tend to them as needed, sometimes helping out the royal garden keepers. Her favorite was always the rose bushes. She's nothing more than a simple gardener, but though her appeara... View More
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Another day another thorn
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March 14, 2023

Another day another thorn
March 14, 2023
“Snack time!” Rosalyn had just closed up shop for the day and was feeling peckish, so she decided to have a light snack before she headed home for dinner. A quick stroll to a nearby park with a pond a... View More
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*I would launch through a opened portal and skid with a fire tracking behind me. My sword would bounce out of the portal and near Rosalyn. My hoodie was ripped.*
February 13, 2023
I cant help it if I get launched out of a portal by a fire monster! *I get up and dust myself off. I snack on the grape.* Mmm
Brio had been taking a leisurely stroll around the park to relax and clear his head. As the lowering of the sun began painting the sky in a vibrant orange, he began to think it was almost time to head home. As he continued walking he approached a mare sitting by the pond and caught a whiff of cheese... View More
February 13, 2023
The corners of her mouth were curled into a smile, her eyes shut to block out her senses so that only taste would dominate. Suddenly, she heard the sound of a voice inquiring about her snack. She opened one eye and turned to see somepony standing beside where she sit. She swallowed her tasty treat a... View More
Bingo's smile widened. "See, normally I'd respectfully decline and let you enjoy it yourself, but I can't pass up the offer." He let out a laugh and softly sat next to her. "Also I'm starving." He said with a giggle. Her magical aura shifted to a bright caramel color as Bingo's magic took hold. He t... View More
February 13, 2023
“You’d be crazy to pass up some free brie, I could never!” She laughs and pops some more grapes and cheese into her mouth, enjoying the sweet and nutty flavors. “Bingo bongo, eh?” She nods, cupping his right hoofs into hers to shake and greet. “The name’s Rosalyn. Great to meetcha, fellow cheese ent... View More
Silverspark;watching the sunset from a hill looking for the stars her tail over her hooves and was roasting marshmallows over a fire pit she made as she blew the fire off the marshmallow "ah nothing like a night for marshmallow roasting "she smiled
February 13, 2023
Rosalyn had finished her snack and took a moment to enjoy the crisp breeze before deciding to head out for the night. She hopped off the bench and began her journey home… until she caught a whiff of something sweet. She couldn’t help but follow the scent, leading her to a filly enjoying a warm fire ... View More
February 13, 2023
Silverspark:looking up from the fire "yup and I brought chocolate bars and Graham crackers to make smores "she said as her eyes sparked silver in happiness
February 14, 2023
Bryce happened to be passing by at the time, carrying a large bag over his back as he walked on by looking quite tired with this large sack. He didn't notice his new acquaintance or he hopes friend he had met the other day when he had bought some of her roses as she sat and snacked away, he stopped ... View More
He smiled warmly as she shook his hoof, straightening back up from his bow as he nodded. "The pleasure is all mine Rosalyn and yes I agree it was a very wonderful time getting to talk with you once again." He smiled again before looking to the sack as she brought it up before smiling with shaking hi... View More
February 16, 2023
She tilted her head to the side as he presented her the paper. She took it, read it, then folded it up to put into her sweater pocket. “Dinner you say! Weeeeell I can’t say no to that! I expect your best signature dish! And a bottle of Chardonnay to pair.” She laughed for a moment, “Kidding, kidding... View More
February 17, 2023
He chuckled hearing her as he nodded. "Well I will make sure to grab a bottle of chardonnay just in case." He smiled as he laughed a bit himself. "If you ever do stop by I will be happily awaiting the warm company and I am more than happy to have given you some more company and help pass the time, i... View More
February 17, 2023
Rosalyn stepped outside for the first time today, still in her robe, her mane in a messy bun, as she levitated a cup of coffee beside her. She yawned, “Man… what a night that was last night…. Ow ow ow... View More
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*I would sit across from her.* You alright? *I flick a pill toward her.* Sounds like a killer migrane. Here. This should help
February 12, 2023
She opened her eye, still trying to calm her head down, as she noticed him flicking a pill toward her. She caught it just in time. “Huh…? Oh… thanks, I will I really need this heh!” She popped it into her mouth and took a drink of coffee to wash it down. “I’m sure that outta do it…” she sighed in re... View More
February 12, 2023
*I chuckle.* Yeah. I'm going to give it to princess Skystar on the 14th. Not only that, but... *I reach within my pocket and pull out a card.* I'd like to formally invite you to our wedding happening next month. I'll need your flowers. *I smile.* I know it's a bit... soon, but I thought i'd give you... View More
“A wedding?!” Without a thought she excitedly threw her hoofs in the air, the cup of coffee she had levitated flinging behind her into some ally. She excitedly took the invite to read over. “I’d love to come, definitely. And I’d be honored to provide my services for such a momentous occasion.” Rosal... View More
February 12, 2023
*I smile.* Perfect. The wedding is going to be taking place in a delightful area. And don't worry about costs. Being a hero like me allows for basically a lot of money, so i'm not too worried about spending.
Hearts and Hooves day is almost here! Buy a dozen roses from me to bring your loved ones cheer!
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Silverspark:a small filly walked in looking at the rose not looking for anything for anyone just curious suddenly found a silvery white rose "how does one get silver roses ?"asked the small filly
Towering over the small filly, Silky would cast her gaze with interest upon the silvery plant. "Hmm... good question. Perhaps a mixture of potions using lunar petals can give this effect? Or perhaps it's not an external application but rather one made from the very seeds before the flower was born."... View More
February 10, 2023
Silverspark;seeing how special the silver rose is the one she bought just remind her of something she looked up at Silky "have you heard of a silver bell rose it was named after a pony that created it the rose is special but strange it is said that if you pick it a new one magically grows back in i... View More
February 10, 2023
Silverspark; "I love to collect gems in fun shapes when I see them I pick it up clean it and put it away for something special plus there was this spell a unicorn was using I try to mimicing her spell so I can find cool stuff like that ruby "she said
February 9, 2023
Rosalyn raised an eyebrow, her eyes shifting left an right as she took the bill. “Oh, I got the goods alright.” In the blink of an eye she disappeared behind the counter, shuffling through her inventory. She pulled out a small, but extremely rare bouquet “Blue Roses, blue as sapphires. Hardest babie... View More
He puts them under a large jacket that he was suddenly wearing, "Pleasure doing business," he says he leaves the shop, he looks around before taking off and disappearing into the world
“Roses? How lovely!” Lillabelle approaches the stand and takes a moment to smell and admire the roses. The biggest and most vibrant she’d ever seen. “These are beautiful! You truly have a talent for the breed. I‘lll take 3 dozen! One to decorate my living room, the others… no doubt I can make a beau... View More
“You know it! I’m a pro at breeding these babies for sure!” Rosalyn began to happily prep her order, taking a moment to smell the roses herself as she wrapped them. She never noticed how beautiful they truly smelled. All she ever looked for was size and vibrancy. She threw in an extra one in each bo... View More
February 11, 2023
*Nitroxus would roll on the ground like a ball toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus floated down to the ground from the air with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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