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Just a goth chick who sings in a band, moonlightss as a bartender, and has an artistic side hobby. I also love video games!Sleep? ....what's that?
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Nitroxus Soulspins Ruby Trogdon
*Nitroxus rode on a magical playing piano and it flew itself to the pony. He smiled once he was near the pony and climbed off the piano. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Once more I emerge from the depths of my own depravity to screw up someone's day. Who shall it be? Who shall I choose? Which of you would offer yourself? How may I bother you my darlings?
I'm definitely an adult.There is 100% irrefutable evidence that I am, indeed an adult. I do my chores, pay my way, and get things done! Now if you could stop looking at the juice boxes and fruit snack... View More
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I purse my lips and raise a brow "I am merely a customer. I do not control the stock of this fine establishment! Why, isn't it best I buy the last pack? I'm supporting a company I've shopped with for years, if that isn't support: what is?"
Apex grabbed a couple of the fruit snacks and put them in her cart. "Listen her, comrade. The company motto for them is: 'Sharing is a berry good day.' So, by giving me the last ones it would only show how great the consumers of these delicious products are." She said before sticking out her tongue.
I quickly grabbed them back from her cart and immediately started flying to the self-checkout. Heaving the fruit snacks over the scanner and into my bags, gritting my teeth. "I just came for my weekly snacks... can I just buy my snacks?" I say to myself, on the verge of a mental breakdown.
May 23, 2022
As soon as Apex looked inside her own cart to view the treats, they were gone. "Wha-" She said before looking towards Ruby which became a red blur. Apex spread her wings and began to fly towards Ruby as she threw the snacks onto the scanner. However, she was too late. The 'beep' came up showing the ... View More
May 23, 2022
I look over and pay for the treats, before grabbing a few packs from her bag and offering them to her: "You are also deserving of respect, for caring to also shop here."
May 23, 2022
It's been such a lovely spring so far! Only one thunderstorm though... What a shame
*Nitroxus climbed down a blue pipe that was in the air. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Elderberry Ale, warm night, open sky through the treeline.... having a lovely evening~
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Leslie could be seen emptying the nearby tavern of its booze, singing rather loudly and atrociously as she seemed to sway back and forth, "An' Nopony, I sed *Hic* NOPONY can get me ta see onna them music 'alls." She rallied. "Nonnaya are ANYwhere near my level of strength, ya 'ear?" She exclaimed, l... View More
She stood and shook her head lightly and gave a smile, "No thank you, however if you care to join us I certainly don't mind. Would you care for some water?" She motioned to the small cooler she had beside her seat.
March 25, 2021
She thought for a breif moment. Thought as in incoherent wibble wabble and moment as in immediately. "I dinnae jus get drunk jus fer me ta git sober agen. Then agen, i ave enough alchohol en me system ta kill a minotaur. " she said. "Aye, what tha tartarus, probablyd be somethin like scrampy anywho.... View More
She trotted to the cooler to grab a bottle of water and returned to her, offering it. "You seem like you may get drunk a lot, and I don't think it's all to simply flaunt your strength. Is there another reason?" She tilted her head inquisitively and sat down before her, "Oh and before we go on, I am ... View More
March 25, 2021
*Air also nods agreeing with Rudy...* “I, I agree with Rudy as it’s not really a good idea to be too drunk but please do tell us what’s on your mind Miss...”
"What other reason is there ta be drunk?" She asked with a guffaw. "Its a damn good time thas what!" She seemed to not be coherent enough to understand such complicated questions. "Though id be nice ta get drunk on somethin good insted of tha swill they be serving over there." She said.
She sat back down and gave a light sigh, "Only thing I sell is good company, and it's free. Anyway... any stories about those strong legs of yours?"
March 25, 2021
"Aye!" She seemed to perk up a little. "One time, en tha bronxco, couple o them no good types tried ta jump me, not onna them old haggly fellas out fer ya wallet. These tha types who be in et fer a good poundin. Tha wallets jest a bonus. Ennyways, they caught me in an alleyway, an all i had were me ... View More
She clapped and nodded "Bloody deserved it! You take nothin' from nobody, and I like that! If i'm ever in need of a spar I'll be sure to keep you in mind"
March 25, 2021
*Cloud silently walked past before backtracking and quietly asking if he could join the pony on the bench*
She smiled and bowed her head for a moment before looking back up, "I hope your emotions don't match your coat today" tilting her head curiously.
March 27, 2021
With all this fog around me... It feels like I live in the swamps of sadness... what a shame I haven't sunk
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Gamer, Artist, Musician, Roleplayer, Techie