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Queen Umbra

Female. Lives in  Crystal Empire,  Equestria. Born on July 9, 2001
Umbrum Unicorn
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Ponysquare Refugees
442 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the pony. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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I the Great Papyrus Has a gift of Plushies of Me and sans and Food that the queen possibly will Enjoy some spaghetti :)
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Queen Umbra
"You already know what I want, I want all of you ponies to give me your gifts~"
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Laly offers a 20% spa discount coupon.
Like December 28, 2022
Queen Umbra
"20 percent??? how dare you?"
Like December 28, 2022
Like December 28, 2022
Queen Umbra
Like December 28, 2022
New horseshoes
Like December 28, 2022
Queen Umbra
Like December 28, 2022
MAster crafted even, and ready to be nailed on
Like December 28, 2022
Rough Winds
""... No"
Like December 28, 2022
Queen Umbra
Like December 28, 2022
"Heck no! ...oh wait, I'm not a pony. Carry on."
Like December 28, 2022
Queen Umbra
"Now that you peasants have had the time to sit around,eat and exchange gifts, I've decided I want every single gift you got." #rp
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Stardusk Strider
Stardusk looks down at a plush teddy bear, his lips quivering "but...but.."
Like December 26, 2021
Rough Winds
"Come and take it"
Like December 26, 2021
The queen of changelings
"But the best gift I've received is seeing you again~"
Like December 26, 2021
Uhhh , I have a Diamon and Gold brooch necklace combo?
Like October 9, 2022
Jade courage
#rp so whats your plan to take over the crystal empire this time?
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Rough Winds
"I uh..." the pegasus approched the mare "Do you have a moment? we need to talk..."
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Rough Winds
"Oh no are you frozen in stone again?"
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Queen Umbra
The mare would glare at him from behind her stoney prison
Like March 25, 2021
Queen Umbra
Umbra harasses everypony that walks past her
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Star Sky
Star cries.
Like January 28, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
Carmine continuously circles around just to pass by Umbra repeatedly. He just liked the attention.
Like January 28, 2021
Queen Umbra
Umbra would stare at him
Like January 28, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
Carmine does not falter.
Like January 28, 2021
Cakepop The Baker
Cakepop puts icing in Umbra's mane.
Like January 28, 2021
Frost Flirts in response
Like January 31, 2021
Queen Umbra
Umbra would casually set off fireworks in the middle of the afternoon
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Rough Winds
"Oof i forgot to explain you the concept of being "out of season" "
Like January 9, 2021
Queen Umbra
"I made loud noises to bother the peasants l"
Like January 10, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
Carmine tried to calm down from a panic attack.
Like January 9, 2021
Queen Umbra
"Is the red one scared?"
Like January 10, 2021
She would just sit on a nearby hill, having a full picnic as she enjoyed the fireworks!
Like January 9, 2021
Rough Winds
Rough soon joins and takes a sandwich "Huh that looks pretty cool"
Like January 9, 2021
Joker System
Ash ears would lower at the loud noises. He uses his staff to materialize a blanket and he hides under it in fear. "Stupid Ligyrophobia-" he would say, his voice quavering.
Like January 9, 2021
Queen Umbra
Umbra would glance over at him and then smirked before deciding to set off more
Like January 10, 2021
Queen Umbra
The mare would glance under the tree her servants begged her to not burn and noticed a lack of presents with her name on them, she didn't know why but that kinda hurt. She would then just shrug it of... View More
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Rough Winds
Rough rushes in with a poorly wrapped up gift, but it still had her name written in the tag. "Wait wait wait!"
Like December 25, 2020
Queen Umbra
The queen would hurriedly wipe her eyes before turning to look at him, she would then notice the gift
Like December 25, 2020
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