Umbrum Unicorn
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Nitroxus Soulspins Queen Umbra
*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the pony. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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I the Great Papyrus Has a gift of Plushies of Me and sans and Food that the queen possibly will Enjoy some spaghetti :)
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"You already know what I want, I want all of you ponies to give me your gifts~"
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#rp so whats your plan to take over the crystal empire this time?
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"I uh..." the pegasus approched the mare "Do you have a moment? we need to talk..."
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"Oh no are you frozen in stone again?"
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Umbra harasses everypony that walks past her
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Carmine continuously circles around just to pass by Umbra repeatedly.
He just liked the attention.
Umbra would casually set off fireworks in the middle of the afternoon
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"Oof i forgot to explain you the concept of being "out of season" "
January 9, 2021
Rough soon joins and takes a sandwich "Huh that looks pretty cool"
Ash ears would lower at the loud noises. He uses his staff to materialize a blanket and he hides under it in fear. "Stupid Ligyrophobia-" he would say, his voice quavering.
January 9, 2021
Umbra would glance over at him and then smirked before deciding to set off more
The mare would glance under the tree her servants begged her to not burn and noticed a lack of presents with her name on them, she didn't know why but that kinda hurt. She would then just shrug it of... View More
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Umbrum Unicorn