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Oh me? Just a formerly retired Princess looking to expand her social horizons and experience the wonders of friendship enjoying the less stressful life of being an Equestrian ruler.
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"As is tradition for the new year I will be throwing one of you lucky ponies around the sun... Wait... Into the sun? One of those."
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Dr. Normodd
Reiner would wipe sweat from his furry brow.
"My... Thank goodness I'm not a pony! But uh... Feel free to pick me up or whatever..."
January 2, 2025

Hawker Hurricane
.....If I get thrown into the sun, do I get powers?
January 2, 2025
"I'm putting you inside of the snowglobe."
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"...Then perish."
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Sky who was minding his own business up to that point would look the alicorn over briefly then say "You're supposed to say that after I do the stupid thing."
November 10, 2024
*Mellowstring would gasp.* Ma'am, I came here for a hoof polishing.
November 10, 2024
But it's not my fault that I committed 89,000 counts of arson and 210,000 counts of murder, I'm nice trust me! :(
*Nitroxus climbed down a blue pipe that was in the air. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"Whoever took the last bagel from the Castle, I know where you live."
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"...who stealing bagels? They're like disappointment with a hole on the middle. Like we could have gotten donuts but no someone had to go out of their way to get a circular piece of missed opportunities."
"It was a pretty customized bagel with better flavor than the cake Subway calls a sandwich, and with fewer sugar to boot. The generous helping of hummus definitely help as well. While it is more akin to a sandwich, yes, but some horses like plain bagels with cream cheese so I'll take what I can ge-
... View More
September 4, 2024
Sky would look at Vanil shaking his head. "Of course...."
"Hey, you should'a read dah contract when you signed it. It clearly said dat as well as duh hourly rate, yous gotta pay me a bagel. I don't fix stuff foah free."
Why yes, it was the horse. He took two of them and an extra just for good measure.
The extra one was from Luna, tastes like thievery.
September 4, 2024
"If you saw me in France, no you didn't."
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Haven’t seen celestia in so long on here, this is an amazing mom
Celestia! Wait a second. Have you gotten ripped? You look more swole.
September 2, 2024
"It's Monday morning I've got 5 corn dogs and no ketchup. LETS ROCK!!!"
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"It do go down."
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