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Kasimira Edeltraud

Female. Lives in  Equestria. 23 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hey there!
Kasi is a pretty flexible character and can work in almost any setting, but I would prefer if you talk to me about RPing before just sending a starter my way.
Also, if I've sent you a friend request it's because I think your character is neat and I'd like to start up an RP with you one day!
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
No achievements

Status Update

Kasimira Edeltraud
...Not that I've actually written anything out about this gal yet, but with newfound inspiration, I'm considering changing some things around in her backstory... So I was curious what's you guys' fa... View More
9 people like this.
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Hmm..I would need to think on that, sadly I am bad with just coming up with stuff even though that's what I did but I think I just can't execute it well or my stuff just ain't that good in my opinion, I wish I was alot better and more creative with stuff heh.
Like August 31, 2021
Lock On
My favorite backstories are always ones that loosely base itself on the show, and doesn't take itself too seriously. Makes for a better read and chance to have a somewhat wacky rp.
Like August 31, 2021 Edited
love backstories that you can see in the character's design, personally. when you can get a vague idea of what a character's been through looking at how they stand, how they hold their head, their hairstyle and accessories. that,, also applies to being able to see the way that it influences their b... View More
Like August 31, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
Ahhh there's nothing quite like a good tragic backstory - I completely agree ^^
Like September 4, 2021
|| I'm a stupid sucker for redemption arcs. OTL;;;
Like September 4, 2021