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Kasimira Edeltraud

Female. Lives in  Equestria. 23 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hey there!
Kasi is a pretty flexible character and can work in almost any setting, but I would prefer if you talk to me about RPing before just sending a starter my way.
Also, if I've sent you a friend request it's because I think your character is neat and I'd like to start up an RP with you one day!
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
No achievements
Kasimira Edeltraud
17 people like this.
Vy Thresh
Looks beautiful
Like October 11, 2021
Pretty girl
Like October 12, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
...Not that I've actually written anything out about this gal yet, but with newfound inspiration, I'm considering changing some things around in her backstory... So I was curious what's you guys' fa... View More
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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Hmm..I would need to think on that, sadly I am bad with just coming up with stuff even though that's what I did but I think I just can't execute it well or my stuff just ain't that good in my opinion, I wish I was alot better and more creative with stuff heh.
Like August 31, 2021
Lock On
My favorite backstories are always ones that loosely base itself on the show, and doesn't take itself too seriously. Makes for a better read and chance to have a somewhat wacky rp.
Like August 31, 2021 Edited
love backstories that you can see in the character's design, personally. when you can get a vague idea of what a character's been through looking at how they stand, how they hold their head, their hairstyle and accessories. that,, also applies to being able to see the way that it influences their b... View More
Like August 31, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
Ahhh there's nothing quite like a good tragic backstory - I completely agree ^^
Like September 4, 2021
|| I'm a stupid sucker for redemption arcs. OTL;;;
Like September 4, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
Where Kasimira is from the winters are harsh and cold, and while many would argue the milder winters of Equestria are preferable.... she can't help but long for the familiar feeling of the cold icy sn... View More
17 people like this.
Bright Brave
Dem eyes
Like July 19, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
She really got stars in her eyes huh 👀
Like July 20, 2021
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
It's a very beautiful looking scene, not to mention a cute mare as well
Like July 19, 2021 Edited
Kasimira Edeltraud
Thank you! I'm very happy with the result as well. Was worth the effort and time spent for sure ^^
Like July 20, 2021
Silver Bullet
Its cold here too
Like July 19, 2021
Radio Raider
When the first names screams Slav but the last name screams german, am confused.
Like July 19, 2021
Bright Brave
Perfectly balanced.
Like July 19, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
My intention was to make it German but anywhere in that region of Europe works for her tbh
Like July 20, 2021
Sir_Pathfinder, The Lost.
Gotcha, well if only the 2 got along better. But nice, Pathfinder is a Kazimir too! Well least for surname
Like July 20, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
Kasimira may look ordinary, but she sure isn't ugly~
24 people like this.
Happy Enby simp noises
Like February 20, 2021
Liath Mac Medb
Das sum gud art.
Like February 20, 2021
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Liath Mac Medb
Yes! Hello Sophie it's good to see you!
Like February 20, 2021
Sophie H.
*hugs* and it's good to see you too!
Like February 20, 2021
Liath Mac Medb
*Squeezes* Your new pfp is really nice, don't think I didn't notice. I don't know when you changed it but it's new to me.
Like February 20, 2021
The queen of changelings
She sure isn't. Looks incredible!
Like February 20, 2021
Antique FourHooves
She does look kinda cute
Like February 21, 2021
Liath Mac Medb
Only kinda?
Like February 21, 2021
Antique FourHooves
Well...........................................*scratches mane awkwardly*
Like February 21, 2021
Snowy Do
//A fellow adventurer. ^^ Welcome to CanterlotAvenue. Be careful not to get an arrow through the knee~ With the Skyrim reference aside. ;3 Just dropping by to say hello. :)
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Kasimira Edeltraud
Pffft, while I greatly appreciate the welcome... you might wanna take a look at my other characters hehe. I'm hardly new around here ;)
Like February 20, 2021
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Snowy Do
^u^ No worries. It's funny though. Back when Ponysquare was around I was always on Snowy's account and now it's on my Lesa account. ;P Anyhoo... would you like to roleplay with a fellow adventurer? I warn you now he's a bit of a dork.
Like February 20, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
Yeah, send me a DM and we can figure something out! ^^
Like February 20, 2021
Snowy Do
Shall do. ^^
Like February 20, 2021
crystal heart the crystal pony /mare/
quite the interesting character!
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Kasimira Edeltraud
Thank you!
Like February 20, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
Standing in the center of a small plaza was a unicorn who seemed in need of help. She was looking around as if searching for something or someone. Taking a deep breath she approached one of the poni... View More
4 people like this.
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray was one of the passers-by, he slowed down as the stranger approached him. A fan looking for a selfie, maybe? Nope! Her unrelated question surprises him, and he feels inclined to lightly raise his sunglasses above his eyes to better see her. “How...? Like, ‘this’ tall?” Gray purposely aims his h... View More
Like February 19, 2021 Edited
Kasimira Edeltraud
While getting a chance to talk to Gray was many girls her age's dream, Kasimira had absolutely no idea who he was. The sunglasses did make him look cool though. It was not very cool how he mocked her though and for a moment she considered one-upping him by using her magic to mark a spot higher than ... View More
Like February 19, 2021 Edited
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray hums and begins to scan the area by turning his head all around. The town was mostly populated by ponies, so a griffon, specially one that tall, shouldn’t be hard to miss. “Huh… Are you new around town?” He suddenly asks, though his gaze is lost somewhere else as he’s still looking for the pros... View More
Like February 19, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
"Ah, I'm just here to visit for a few days." Kasimira explained with a smile. Calling her 'iconic' seemed a bit... strange as the unicorn saw herself as being quite ordinary. She too glanced around trying to see if she could spot who she was looking for somewhere in the distance.... but no luck. "Ye... View More
Like February 19, 2021
Aegis Leventis
The paladin was sitting by a marble fountain within the plaza while glancing down at the fish that were swimming within the water. It was ornamental, but he found the prospect of having fish in a fountain amusing. Though, the foals seemed to like it as the little ones giddily pointed their hooves at... View More
Like February 20, 2021
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Kasimira Edeltraud
Kasimira glanced at the fountain he had been so captivated by. Sure, it was kinda pretty, but it just looked like any other fountain of decent size she had seen. "They might seem happy, but most of the ones I've met have been some real freaks..." Kasimira muttered to herself, barely loud enough for ... View More
Like February 20, 2021
Aegis Leventis
Hearing the mare's comment, Aegis rose a brow but didn't press upon it. Sure, ponies were odd in their friendship cultural ways, but he didn't view the locals as 'freaks'. Then again, some might have their darker side that didn't show so easily. "Glad to know that I can stick out, and make an impr... View More
Like February 23, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
With her mouth already partially opened, Kasimira was just about to snap back at him, but then he commented on her poor choice of words. Her cheeks flushed pink and she furrowed her brows while still looking up at him. "Y-you know that's not what I meant by that!", that was only slightly untrue. "... View More
Like February 23, 2021
Lord Somber
"Hmm...A griffon you ask?" Spoke the stranger that seemed to be stopped during his trot through the Plaza. The stranger seemed to be wearing a cloak around him with it's hood up. Course it's easy to tell the stranger had at least a horn. Can't hide that with a cloaked hood. However, this stranger wa... View More
Like February 20, 2021
Antique FourHooves
“Sorry mate, you’ve got to be more specific. Unfortunately, I’ve seen some griffins who are that tall. Anything more identifiable? Their feather colour, clothes, noticeable features....?” A cobalt green pony wearing a light brown stetson and light grey overcoat said in a slight Trottingham accent.
Like February 20, 2021
Kasimira Edeltraud
"Mmmh..." Kasimira tapped her chin. "He's got green hair, often wears a bright plate armor. Sound like someone you've seen around?"
Like February 20, 2021
Antique FourHooves
“Sorry mate, I don’t think I remember seeing anygriffin like that anytime recently. Sorry lad, but do you need help finding your friend? I won’t mind helping you find him.” The cobalt green pony said.
Like February 20, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would wave at them.* Why hello there. I deeply hope that you'll enjoy this place greatly!
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Carmen Gumshoe
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Kasimira Edeltraud
Like February 19, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
Like February 19, 2021
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