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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Aurelie puffs her cheeks, staying very quiet as she follows behind you. She sneaks from tree to tree, all while keeping her bright blue eyes on her victim. Just when she is about to pounce, she falls ... View More
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Liath Mac Medb
He hears the noise behind him and spins around to find the bay laying on her back. As a counterattack, he's the one that does the pouncing. "Hey Auri." He grins. "You okay? Careful falling."
February 25, 2019

Liath Mac Medb
He stands up with her and boops her right on the snoot. "Nice try though, sneaky bat."
February 25, 2019

Aurelie Sweet
Aurelie smiles and wiggles her nose cutely.
"That's me... sneakiest of bats."
February 25, 2019

Liath Mac Medb
He nods and grins. "Very true. I'd better keep watching my back. Never know when you're going to strike next."
February 25, 2019
Aurelie sighs softly, pushing some of her mane out of her face as she sits down on the ground.
"How do other ponies deal with feeling... melancholy? This is an entirely new concept to me."
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"I find somepony to cuddle up to generally. Having a warm body hug me brightens my mood a lot." He nods.
February 23, 2019
"I strive to make others feel happy when I'm feeling down for no reason. And in return, it actually makes me feel better."
“Company always helps with these things. Cuddle up with a friend, and forget all the things that bother you in that moment of comfort~”
“Tough titty said the kitty when the milk went dry.” Shrugging his shoulders, Alex said. “I suck it up and deal with it.”
February 23, 2019
"I wish I were crosseyed..."
Aurelie sighs wistfully before smirking.
"I'd love to see you twice." ... View More
Aurelie huffs as she has to pull her mane up in the pigtails for like the third time today.
"Damn wind. Why did I have to pick today of all days to try something new?"
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The batpony laughs and enjoys the kisses, hugging the other mare sweetly.
"Shhh, you're making me blush."
"Even when you look annoyed you're just too adorable." He grins.
February 22, 2019
Aurelie has decided to take as many quizzes today as possible. There is no reasoning for this, it is just a way to waste time.
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"Oy, wasting time isn't allowed around here. Only Waste may Waste time."
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"I will have to nap for sure."
She hugs Abby happily.
"If I have a cute earth pony to cuddle and make sure I do nap!!"
February 21, 2019
She smooches her cheek playfully.
"Then I shall hunt you down when I'm ready to sleep."
"Sounds like a date. A nap date." He sticks his tongue out at her and grins. He raises a hoof and pets her pretty golden curls. "You bet I'd like to join that."
February 21, 2019
She leans into the pets, nearly falling asleep standing up due to them.
He kisses her cheek affectionately. "Can't wait." He says with a soft laugh.
"A bat that smells of honey and has a gorgeous mane? You require the Prince's attention." He grinned.
He smiled at her. "If you are serious in signing up for the Lunars, you'll have to speak with my personal guard Rose Budd or my fiance Queen Lesa . Either one will do. Just explain that I offered the opportunity. Less likely for you to be turned away." He explained as he noticed that he now smelle... View More
"I am serious. I love farming for honey, but there are times when it alone doesn't pay the bills. If I can be of use with my expertise in other ways, it would be perfect."
She smiles and trots off to find the ponies in question.
February 21, 2019
“You can’t escape it. Once it starts it never stops!” Ephee cries out, dragging Aurelie into a hug and hiding behind her!
Aurelie hugs her happily and then shields her from the multiple admirers.
"I shall protect you and you shall protect me. Autobots roll out!!"
“Yeah! Together we’ll thrive!” She places her muzzle by her ear, whispering. “...reciprocate till they can’t take it!”
"You are a genius! We will weather this storm."
She smiles happily, her tail flicking behind her.
Aurelie sighs, her head resting on one hoof. The mare begins dozing off, her eyes drooping closed as she sits in a nearby park bench.
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Lyle sneaks up and hops on the bench next to her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek just as she starts to doze off.
Aurelie pants softly, holding her hooves up in the defensive position. Oleander Sweet and her were in the public park, he was going over her training, which she needed to brush up on anyway. Still, he... View More
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"You are welcome" Hawk replied calmly, returning a hug "If you ever need any help, shout it out or come to find me or" he said looking at the other stallion "Pardon what was your name?" he asked politely.
February 20, 2019
"Lyle." He replies, peering at him through Auri's curls. He's enjoying the hug too much.
February 20, 2019
"Nice to meet you Lyle" he said calmly and then wrapped his wings around all of them.
February 20, 2019
Oleander pulls back after she dodges his kick, chuckling a little, his ice blue eyes watching her every movement.
"You are getting soft Lie, it's not my fault you are letting Canterlot make you soft."
He charges, using his wings to give him an extra burst of strength. He aims for her temple, a p... View More
February 20, 2019
Oleander sighs as she gloats, still he was proud of her. He laughs and plants a hoof on her head, messing up her mane.
"You did good, though if I didn't have a long mane, that would have ended differently for you. You need to take things more seriously."
His ice blue eyes meet hers. ... View More
February 20, 2019
Aurelie sighs, knowing that in his own way he just cares.
"I'm fine Lander. Unlike you, I don't go around making enemies of other ponies. If by some odd chance I do piss the wrong pony off, I am perfectly capable of taking things seriously and mopping the floor with them. Like you taught me."
Sh... View More
February 20, 2019
Oleander huffs, shaking his head as she walks away. He hopes she's right, especially since the enemies he makes could very well end up coming after her. With a shrug, he takes off, leaving her to chat with her fans.
February 20, 2019
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