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Polo Fastter
by on November 2, 2021
10 years ago.
Polo break down a door before tackling a nobody into the ground and used reality shift to beat it. The family inside are looking at Polo with fear as the nobody vanished then he spoke "Sorry about the door..." The earth pony punch Polo in the face and said "Get out of here you monster." Polo was about to say something before thinking about it then leaves the house. He look at the keyblade as a few heartless appeared from the shadows like a swarm before charging at him but, as fast as appeared they vanished as he swing his keyblade at them. "Weird normally they don't vanish from my sight" He walked forward before someone hit him in the back of the head and blanking out.
Polo wakes up next to a few trashcans wondering what happened before realizing that his wallet was gone. "Great just when things can't get worst it does" Polo said as someone in a cloak walked next to him before tossing the wallet down next to Polo. "Your welcome for your wallet back, I seen someone run off with it and figure that a little scare should do the trick and next thing I know they went poof" the stranger said as a nobody and heartless vanished nearby. "You can't just do that to people, even the bad ones should be sent to court and given a fair trial..." Before Polo could finish the stranger chuckled and said "That the same as you beating those changelings up, destroyed a building, and committed tax fraud" Polo get up and summoned his keyblade then the stranger summoned his own keyblade. "Now that interesting way of bringing a weapon but, you are outmatch Music Note" the stranger said as Polo got blasted with magic into a black portal then after a few minutes of fighting Polo barely won as the stranger clapped. "impressive skills now let me tell you something, you never had a choose to begin with and everything you did was your fault including your wife's..." Polo his the stranger on the head with the keyblade as Polo was teleported back to town but, the town was destroyed for heartless, nobodies, and unversed are all over the place. "Your only choose now is to beat all of them and win the, where are you going?" The stranger said as Polo slowly runs from the town
A few hours later Polo sit near a well and said "Everyone is gone and it's all my fault" He summoned the keyblade before trying to break it, only for it to not even look damage no matter how hard he tryed as the hooded figure slowly walked near him and was about to say something. "Look, am done with heartless, nobodies, unversed or whatever you want to call them." Polo throws his keyblade down a well as the hooded figure watched. "You can't get rid of it like a common weapon and there is a reason for everything and no it is always hard to figure out but you will know when the time come" The figure vanished as Polo leaves the place wondering what they meant by that.
1 week ago.
Polo drink tea as he looked at the backyard before dropping the tea cup it shock of seeing Sivanro wielding a keyblade. "Baaa baaaa?" Sheep said as Polo jumped a bit from hearing Sheep talk. "Did you know about that over size key?" Polo said as Sheep shakes it head no. "Look like the past has finally caught up with me, Tell Sivanro to keep his guard up for the end is near." He leaves the house as Sivanro enter from the back door and see the broken tea cup and said "Did you drop another cup on the floor again?" Sheep nods as Sivanro sighs before getting the broom and cleans the mess and said "Weird that it smell like tea, wait a minute you don't drink tea, where is my father?" Sheep at first didn't say a single word then said what Polo said in baa. "He overreacted about seeing it and it is not that bad having a keyblade I mean what the worst that could happened." A few heartless appeared in the house as Sivanro said "Me and my big mouth, look like another day." A few minutes later sivanro was beating the last heartless as a heart shaped object slowly goes up. "Look like am going to Everfree for answers about how I got this" Sivanro leaves the house and heads into Everfree forest for some answers.
"The hearts always guide people to salvation or that what the stories always say, son of the changeling slayer." The stranger with the cloak walked from behind a tree as Sivanro was keeping his guard up. "Am not here to fight but ever if you know how to sword fight, I would win" Sivanro grips the sword as he use fira on the stranger but, the spell vanished within a split second. Sivanro suddenly get punch in the face by the stranger as he chuckled. "You are exactly like him but, your hot headed and that causes trouble to happened now, your father was given a keyblade by someone a while ago and since he rejected it and now you're stuck with it so here the thing, he know someone with a keyblade and their location is Mount Aris also they go by the name of Stickman." Sivanro growled a bit before calming down and looked at them in the eyes before saying "Why are you telling all of this?" The stranger smiled as a black portal opened then, said "You would of been stuck wondering for decades..." The black portal closed as Sivanro sigh as he heads to that area.
Sheep sit on a chair in Ponyville's library as Sivanro pets them. "It a wonder why you stuck round so long. Always helping out without a care in the world about things. Kind of funny that he limit himself all the time but, has time to sell potions and help you out if you need it." His phone ring as Polo number shows up but, he left him on ring and simply waited as he get a text from Polo.
"Hey, it's Polo I know your probably mad about me not telling you about keyblades and the other things about my past. Every time I try to get close to someone and talk about things they vanish, try to kill me, or worst. I use a keyblade years ago and things got dicey for people close to me and it didn't stop after I thrown the thing away and things got to a point that cause me to gave up on trying to be this hero that nobody wanted."
Sivanro read the text as he sighs and text back. " Can you show me some things that the keyblade user can do?"
Post in: Lore
Topics: #loregang
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Bright Brave
Keyboards scare me
Like November 2, 2021