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Knight Wolf
by on February 3, 2022
Knight being emberrassed was an understatement, he sat in the back rooms of the stage chugging more rum as make up artists moved all about him.
"Three nights I have done this, do you not think this is enough?!" he says angrily to Devine who leaned on a wall nearby
"Hey dont get all angry at me, you're the one who agreed to do two more days because you were piss drunk," she says also feeling annoyed, she wouldn't admit it but she disliked how all these other females were clinging on to him, Knight is her wolf! She then blushes at her thoughts, no they are just partners, she shouldn't care if others were with him.. but she does.
"Well.. how much money do we have now?" he says breaking her out of her thoughts
"Oh.. hmm, a bit over five thousand bits," she says with a grin
He looks at her wide eyed, "Five thousand? Are you sure?" he asks as if he couldn't believe it.
"You have alot of fans, everyday more and more show up," she says not truly liking that fact.
"Well, that should get us going for a good while.. very well, just one more night," he says as he hears the griffin announce him again, he then turns to her, "Next time, I serve while you dance," he says getting up
"Anytime for you," she says winking as he passes by which makes him smile but shakes his head at her teasing.
Hours later the sun was coming up and Knight sat behind the club as he waited for Devine to finish up. She soon comes out and throws off sexy uniform they had her wearing while working.
"And here I thought you liked wearing that," he says smiling.
"Oh sure, just because you were having fun showing yourself to everyone doesn't mean I do to," she says sticking her tongue out to him
He chuckles, "We should get moving," he says getting up
"Righto," she says following after him. That day they walked east for a long time, resting at inns every now and then or simply camping out under the stars, Devine and Knight grew closer as friends and even more than friends but neither was ready to admit such a thing.
They walked for weeks through many lands, during the time Knight decided to teach her how to fight, how to use a sword, a bow and arrow, daggers, all the weapons he knew and he knew them all and now they were flying through the Smokey mountains following a river when as Devine pulled another arrow on her bow, Devine then looked down and saw their reflection in the water. Just a few months ago she was a taxi driver barely making a living, she was at the end of her rope, her whole life had been like a monotone song, and she felt as if everything she had ever experienced, from growing up, her first kiss, her first job, her first relationship.. it all amounted to nothing as she pulled this carriage, that is until she decided she wanted her life to change. Flirt with the next male and be outgoing was her plan, and the next male she saw was this wolf.. if she could go back and change anything, she would wish she hadnt come out too flirty and that first night they spent together. She blushes as she thinks on the many times they have done that very same thing, and she had been fine with it, they were giving each other what they needed.
That is what she told herself for a while, but now, now she sees him as the most important being in her life, he changed everything for her, it was just suppose to be a one night thing back then, but then she met him again and decided to stick with him for a bit and that was the best decision she had ever made. He opened up the world to her, she is now adventuring across the world, facing dragons, fighting thugs, braving deserts, all the things she never would have imagined herself doing and here she is now, flying over a river in the smokey mountains as a horde of angry giant gargoyles chased them, she let loose her arrow and struck ones head and watched as it fell to the river.
They flew out of the mountains and flew high over a forest, behind them the gargoyles stopped their chase since they had lost more of their kin than they realized, Devine had shot down six of them, she smirked proudly at her feat, Knight grinned as he descended to follow the river through the forest.
"You have gotten good with that weapon," he says and she smiles.
"Well, it was either I shoot them or let them eat us alive so I thought it would be better to not miss," she says laying on him, his large back with soft fur but rock hard with muscles. She felt right here, as if this is where she belonged, again she looked down and saw their reflections, Knight noticed her looking down smiling and using his paw he kicked some water to splash her face and she looks at him in shock as the water hits her face.
"How dare you!" she yells as he laughs
"Very well," she says as she jumps and he sees what she is planning to do.
"Wait wait wait!" he yells before she lands on his head and pulls down in a grip he taught her which surprised him and they crashed into the water with a giant splash.
Moments later Knight is floating down the river on his back as Devine smiles happily on top of him, her smile wide as she giggles.
Knight didnt know what it was but at that moment, the was she stared down at him, her beautiful smile with her wet mane clinging to the side of her face, but his heart was now jumping, her eyes captured his and all he knew was her.
She looks down into his eyes, her heart full and committed to him. He changed her, her life, everything she enjoyed was only enjoyable because he was there, she was now aware of everything, everything was clear, the warm summer breeze that blew gently on them, the water dripping from her mane, his warmth under her and his powerful heartbeat. It was clear, life is only worth living with him by her side. She leans down slowly and softly kisses him, not like the kisses they would share in the heat of night, no this kiss was different, it was everything, it contained her heart and soul and she wanted him to feel that. Flower petals fell around them with colorful leaves painting the beautiful forest background. She kissed him and he kissed her back, the world slowed for them as they each tried to tell each other the depth of their emotion through this one kiss.
She pulls back, her face flushed and her eyes half lidded as she looked at him, they way he kissed her back told her everything, he felt the same, a small smile formed on her lips and she speaks softly.
"I love you."
Post in: Lore
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