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by on May 15, 2022
It had been a very long day for PB, a peanut butter pony both born and scientifically made. Had she lost who she had been? All sources pointed to yes that she did indeed lose her true self. Could any creature ever help her out of this situation she in? Surely there must be some creature who could. Unfortunately this would just fall on deaf ears as she'd try to be her own knight in shining armor. This is not including her own adventure to find her long lost little sister whom she hadn't seen since her dear sister, Beautiful Love was born. Granted her not knowing her dear sister was in the care of dear Princess Luna in the normal Equestrian universe or well at least that's how it was on paper while in reality her dear little sister was being taken care of by two lunar guards. With all of what the universes hide from her would she ever be able to bring her dear family together again? Or would she be blinded by rage to the point where she loses somepony important? Only the future may tell.
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