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The Outsider
by on April 28, 2024
The path between is only faint to the eyes of the youth
Thousands of realities tied to a knot, a singular point of convergence unites them all
Beneath a dead sky full of stars, The Lady's vessel sails ever-onward
 Zerathur can hear them downstairs. The clattering of kitchen utensils being washed by the automata; The chatter of daughter and mother as Spore and Astria idle by the fireplace; Erian hammering away at some new wacky invention down in the basement. An unchanging reality, a long awaited and well deserved dream come true. Everything he wished for, the return of all he once loved and the life that was robbed from his very grasp.
 He reaches upwards with his mind, his consciousness slips through the veil and takes ahold of reality's string. He can feel its edges like a crack in a perfectly smooth wall, thin as a needle and as vast as the night sky. His nose bleeds as he pushes through, his right arm reaching up towards the ceiling. Zerathur would see to leave himself behind, for the husk of what he deeply desired deserved to live in its paradise.
The Lady stares, not in judgement but in understanding. That which was once broken was through time given purpose, and now the shadow of what was once a simple stallion stands by her decks once more. A willing pawn in a game that it has no interest on itself, a soul which requires guidance even after achieving all that it aspired for.
It comes to her with a trade, and she accepts it without a word being spoken by either party. With a nod, it vanished from her realm just as quickly as it had appeared, defying her unspoken wishes and desires just as the one that came before it; Truly, the spawn of Hope mirrored its parent entity to frightening heights, 'tis only a matter of time Despair's follows an equal path. 
Reality bloats and distorts like an old burnt film. It takes only a few moments for one's eyes to adjust to the light of the sun pearing through distant clouds, and so it happens to be that the Archmage of Chloromancy has arrived just in time. With careful and somewhat sluggish pained movements, he climbs onto the top of a low stone wall and takes a seat with his back to an old rundown property. There will come a time to look for old faces and to meet new ones, but first he would witness his first sunset in this familiar yet all too different world.
Post in: Lore