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Asuka Yakushi
by on August 12, 2024
9:30 PM, Vanhoover Central Park, Vanhoover Music Festival
It's been 10 minutes since Dragonautica finished their song, and it looks like the stage crew has just finished setting up for Attack on Mango. Both excitement, and dread fill the air. Excitement because the next song is from the number one band in the city. Dread, because they're the last song of the festival. Once they're done, the festival will end, and everyone will have to go back to their lives. Though, the Vanhoover Department of Transportation couldn't wait for the festival to end. The fact that the festival has had one of the busiest roads in the city shut down for a whole day has made traffic a mess for the rest of the city.
With the stage darkened, it's hard for anyone to see what might be going on atop it. A few times, someone points out a perceived figure here or there, but nobody's sure if it's a band member setting up, or just the sound crew doing checks. Besides, if Attack on Mango was about to start, the host would come back out, and announce it, right?
The screens behind the stage seem to flash to life, alongside the chiptune beeps the number one band in the city was known for. The crowd erupts into cheers as the screens display a message, with the words changing after every few notes. "Vanhoover!" "Are you ready?" "We're psyched to be here!" "So get hype!" "And let us hear you scream!" The cheering grows into a near fever pitch, just as the percussion kicks in, and the lights flash on. On stage, Attack on Mango makes their debut for the festival with vigor, and enthusiasm.
While Nar and Juno dance around the stage, Ruby dances in place behind her keyboard. Behind her drumset, Asuka has entered some sort of primal trance. Her arms fly around her drumset with reckless abandon. Her hair is whipped to, and fro, as her head swings wildly from side to side, up, and down.
Behind the band, the screens display photos, and clips from the band's fans. From concert photos, and clips, to fans meeting the band, and pictures of promotional materials. One clip shows Juno crowd surfing during a show, with the next clip showing him face planting back on stage, and standing up to continue the show. Another shot shows a pegasus workman in full uniform giving a thumbs up in front of a billboard with a promotion for one of the band's albums on it. Then, a photo of a group of friends posing with the cutout of the band at Shifty Sai's. There are even some shots, and clips from fans across Equestria, and even overseas! One photo even shows someone wearing an enamel pin of the band's logo, walking into Canterlot Castle.
While the screens display clips, and photos, on stage the band remains very animated. Nar, and Juno never remain static for more than a second or two. They constantly dance side by side, or back to back. In between her hip shaking, and head banging, Ruby takes the time to look into the audience, and wink, or sometimes even blow a kiss. Asuka is completely lost to her primal fury, and enacts her rage on the drumset in front of her.
The uproarious cheers of the crowd echo throughout the streets of Vanhoover. Those with reasonable bedtimes closer to the city center find themselves unable to sleep, as the cheering of the crowd seems to shake buildings.
When the song begins to slow down slightly, the screens stop showing photos and clips. Instead, they display a message, much in the same way they did in the beginning.
"To everyone who has supported us." "From our friends, and family." "To our coworkers, and other bands." "Thank you!" "We get to do what we love!" "All thanks to you!"
Then, the song picks back up again, and the screens change.
Now, the screens display photos of the band's members with friends, and family.
There's one of Nar, and his buddy, Steve. The band with the owner of their favorite restaurant, Artuo, and one of them at a party with Mandy Fullbright.
Then, a photo of Nar and Asuka with their friend, Sprout at their beach party. One of Asuka holding up a little Camille while her mother, Rosa watches next to them. Another with Asuka, and the actor, Gray Rivers Alton Yuri, and the hard boiled Private Eye, Carmine Gumshoe, and one of Gray's parties.
Then, the screen shows a shot of one of the Yakushi Family reunions, with Nar, and Asuka barely even in the shot. Quickly followed by a photo of Nar, and Asuka sharing a meal with their immediate family. There are a few shots of Nar, and Juno fishing with Kisho, and a few of Asuka with her mother, Betty, and sister, Hiari.
The last shot is of the band with their friend, Deena, all sat around a circular booth in Shifty Sai's, sharing a laugh.
The screen then begins to fade, with the music coming to a close. On stage, the members of Attack on Mango each pump one fist into the air, and hold it aloft. Just after the screen goes black, one last message is displayed.
"In memory of our biggest fan."
The message fades, to display a picture of Nar, Juno, and Asuka with a little colt using crutches. Below the photo reads
"Troy Jan. 2014-2024."
As the lights fade to black, and the music finishes, the last photo is left on screen.
And with that, the Vanhoover Music Festival comes to a close.
//Poll will be posted tomorrow, where you guys get to decide the winner! It will impact how the story progresses from here, but I'm happy no matter which way it goes!
Post in: Lore
Topics: band, battle, festival